Deep enhancement. Dark wound. Ancient
Estranged childhood. I hurt. I hurt. To
no good purpose
at the end of things. No timing. No
And the body mourns the broken wings of
the words
that once rose to the occasion like
startled waterbirds,
the wind in a prayerwheel that didn’t
know what to ask for.
And the heart, stubborn enthusiast,
homely shrine
the gods don’t enter into anymore,
used razor blades
scattered like the pages of an unbound
holy book
that cut all five jugulars of the
fatted calf
that bawled like a guitar at the use
its innocence
was put to like a musical sacrifice to
the tone-deaf silence.
And the mind, that Mephistophelean
that lives in the wake of the dead
angel that said
she died for my sake until I saw who
showed up
at the funeral. All those black
umbrellas, bats in the rain.
Achievement without consolation.
the scam of a false idol. My clothes
are soaked
with the tears of ghosts that blew in
my eyes
like smoke from a burning sundial. Bad
house guests
in the ghost town of the zodiac I once
lived in
like a gold rush in the mindstream of
the mountain
singing to itself as if the stars were
to heal the ache of an old fault line
in its heart
that sends a shudder through its
foundation stones
like an avalanche across a narrow road
its way between a high place and the
certain death
among the ice-floes of a jade-green
northern river
coiled like a green mamba below. Sad to
the roadkill of a wolf that had no
other place to walk
below the timberline of the life it was
hunting for.
Dangerous to stop. The bus hurries on
toward Prince Rupert.
Another poetry reading. How long ago
was that? Where
I’ll howl at the top of my lungs like
the death lament
of my lupine melancholy in a lunar
solitude where
my voice carries through the deranged
of a vacuum that’s come to abhor its
own nature
and the most highly disciplined
severities of insight
aren’t communal enough to cope with
it like a happy face
on a moonrise instead of the usual
prophetic skull.
Blue Flower. Black Dog. Sunbeam and
Hydra-headed snake fire. Death to
release it.
Death to try and hang on to it all. The
agon of life.
The struggle to live. The struggle to
As raw at the entrance as the exit is
I struggle with the angel in the way
like a mind
that lost an eye to the ferocity of the
trying to see past the halo into the
black hole of the vision
it was grappling with like a choke hold
on the throat an experienced
that keeps eluding my grasp of the
like fireflies without starmaps in a
hoax of dark matter.
Between the mountain and the river,
to be held up is to be cast down like
an ostrakon
into the abyss where the victors live
in exile
throwing their bodies like gauntlets of
along the side of whatever road they’re
on as they
raise their voices in a deathsong like
a challenge
to the quixotic echoes that stand in
their way
threatening to bring this house of life
like a handful of starmud on the
impromptu graves
of the losers brilliantly infamous for
fire walking
their spinal cords like acrobatic
spiders unravelling
their silken safety nets like unnamed
across the moats of the mountains,
scapegoats on a drawbridge
that lets its guard down a thousand
times a life too often.
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