Sunday, September 1, 2013



The sums of autumn, the dark abundance of windfalls
on the ageing bough, a man, or a bell, groaning
under the weight of itself to cast the burden of its ripeness
down like a heart that’s been tolling in the sunset
and moonrise long enough to return its starmud to the earth
tasting of the harvests and famines that made the best of it,
sunlight in the spring flashing its knives like sabres of rain
off cold tears running like the juice of bitter, green apples,
summer in the blood like wild poppies in mangers
of scarecrow hay where he lay down for a moment
on insignificant hillsides along the way and was nothing
but a small perturbance of the wind silking the green grass
along the banks of the river as if he were watergilding with silver,

and the absolute clarity of the winter nights when the stars
were ferocious and beautiful, the bright vacancy of space,
brutal and uncompromising as an ice-age predator
that’s overcome its fear of fire. Dark nights of the soul,
stupefied by shovelling out the urns of nocturnal ashes
in mourning like doves, by the spoonful, when the lovers
throw their bodies like dragons on the pyres of desire
to gratify their death wish to immolate themselves
like sunflowers in a corona of flames in full eclipse,
as if life were self-taught, but love was mentored by death.

No lunar calendar of prophetic skulls, no rosary
of the names of God in transit like habitable planets
that might take a stranger in, no abacus of gravestones
in a cemetery of pioneer farmers can account
for the sums of autumn that sweeten the succession of zeroes
on the wild grapevines that bleed wine and water
from their eyes, spiced according to the season
by lemon moons and the rusty cinnamon of star-gazer lilies
when the honey-bees are firewalking the plinths of their petals
and the sting has gone out of the sweetness of an old man,
the anger and the hatred, the suspicion and the doubt,
reptilian moments in the plumage of peacocks,
the search for God in the spiritual lost and found,
the search for self, voice, fate, love, wisdom,
the mystic carillons of the spirit drowned out
by a choir of wrecking balls in a demolition derby
of upscale decadence in a free for all of unconditional chaos.

Listening as he speaks to himself now, he liberates
aviaries of metaphors that once captivated his ear and eye
like the picture-music of nightbirds that suggested
like a whisper in a mirror he was this and that
as if he were born the shapeshifting changeling
of a copulative verb with no future tense of now to speak of
or subjunctive mood ring to bring the blood to his eyes
like the longer shadows and wavelengths on the sundials
of his timely existence. Blue hellos and red farewells,
coming both ways like the embrace of a passionate triste
in the middle of a burning bridge with the lifespan
of a secret love affair with fire and water cancelling
the sums of autumn in longing and lament. As if
you came down to the river with a bucket
to help put a mirage of fire in the house of life out
like the overturned cup of an empty heart
and you’ve been shooting for the moon with both eyes open
to the rush of love in the rapids of a waterclock ever since.

In the silence of time, eternities expire when the sun
stands still at midnight and to have known it
as you know your own shadow, if only once in a lifetime
is to go on shining like Aldebaran in the crowns
of the black walnut trees, sign, cipher and paradigm
of the mystery of the meaning of your oracular bones
so much like firesticks in the firepits of meteoric thrones.




Make my path into the void clear and wide.
Purify my absence in the waters of life.
Let the silence I was improvised out of
like a meaning to a life that didn’t make any sense,
find its own equilibrium like water left
to its own resources. Take care of the medicine bag
of my body when it’s empty. Lived in it
most of my life, one shoe on, one shoe off.
Meant to be a pair I suppose, two wings on a bird
and a mystical third, but it was hard for anyone
who loved me to keep up with the holes
I kept wearing out in the soles of the road I was on.

No where in particular. Here was as good as there,
I wasn’t the locus or the landlord. Years as a kid
growing down on the street, I learned to stand
my ground. Wisdom more of a threat to me now
than it’s ever been, more and more, I let the ground of my being
stand on me. I wore space like lightweight body armour
I never had to defend, and never went on the attack.
You’ll be able to tell by the cracks and the welds
in my bones, I bumped into the world, I bunted
my head against the moon, the moon head-butted me back.
I was alive and interactive. Weirdly radioactive,
an estranged spirit of one summoned to a seance
in an abandoned schoolhouse, drawings still on the wall,
textbooks strewn like dead starfish on the floor,
and all the children of Chernobyl, the abysmal
silence of gone, who knows where, for good.

Hic sunt dracones. Fire and tears. Inter my Orphic skull
under the hearthstones of the urns and ashpits
that surround your heartwood like the orbital tree rings
of shepherd moons and uninhabitable planets
and I’ll spell it out like a waterclock of dragon blood,
the forbidden wavelength of a monstrous lake
that receives the swords of the dead in tribute and surrender,
how many light years it will take to cross the dream
they died for as if your entrance owed a lot more
to their exit than either the door they went through or you
have ever acknowledged. Live the continuum
like the creation myth of a nightsky full of eyes
that keep taking you by surprise when you least deserve it.

Those are stars in their eyes. All that anyone
has ever been left with, when all is said and done
and undone, a tear-shaped drop of the waters of life
hanging by a thread from the end of a blade of stargrass.
A synteretic spark of insight that bloomed,
a tiny blossom in the galactic shadows of ageing galaxies.

Let go. Let go. Let go. Even the wingspan of a single flower
exceeds the measure of the sky and every star in it.
Even in hyperspace you’re never going to fly out of yourself.
Don’t wait to be pryed open as if you had no faith
in the wind. Spread your flightfeathers like a snow owl
in a blizzard, like a sparrowhawk or swallow in the dusk,
helically orbiting Venus over the roofs of the showcase carlots
abandoned on the highway between the fast food pitstops
and the last chance turn offs. Shed what you have to shed
to travel light and gain altitude like the candling parachute
of a weather balloon or a daylily, until as it is above
so it is below, and even a hole in the ground
with the rock of the world on your chest to keep you down,
your coffin lowered into your starmud like a lifeboat
no one’s going to save on the high seas of awareness
in your wake, seems like just another avalanche
of mountainous planetesimals peaking at the cruising altitude
of one more sky burial free falling through
the valleys of death above shrieking with sidereal eagles.

Like I said, even dead, a street kid. Tough love.
Never take your death lying down. Snake-eyes
or seven come eleven, roll your bones like oracles
trying to read the dicey eye-sockets of their prophetic skulls
like the alphabet blocks of starmaps to come.
Hold your candle up to the stars like a nightwatchman
in a wax museum, but don’t teach the fire of life
within you, to hold its tongue in repressive reverence
for the dead like undertakers for the names of things
when the urgent longing of their most cherished dreams
is to enter you like a upper atmosphere, engulfed
in your flames like a meteoric return to their panspermic beginnings,
planting seeds of starwheat in the fertile crescents of Antarctica.