Even as harmless as day old porridge no
of safety anymore, ducking down behind
your anonymity
as if the one trick evolution gave you
was being overlooked.
Big Brother is here, and it isn’t as
if we didn’t
see him coming from a long way off.
the lighthouses. Swear you’ll keep
your highbeams on.
Fall back on believing that sooner or
everything’s that’s broken now will
be amended then.
Comes the Cambrian again to the nexus
of that one atomically-timed moment
when predators acquired eyes and the
started armour plating their
soft-bodied exposure to life
with oracular exo-skeletons like the
in heated tortoise-shells. Axonic
like a crown of thorns on the foreheads
of the martyred rich.
Siege skull with a mouth for a
it isn’t wisdom to open within
of nano-tech houseflies cruising in
observatory eyes slashed open a crack
like a paper cut envelope on a return
to look at the stars looking back from
the other side
of a keyhole that looks like it was
made by a bullet.
The darkest, the most exacting. Those
whose playbooks
would make indifference seem like a
homey word,
and you, just another example of a
finely honed
stereotype grazing on your own mirages
in the climate-controlled Sahara desert
in a water-winged hourglass with
nothing to drink to
like a shopping mall where the consumer
is consumed
in a single gulp of greed. The snake
swallows the frog.
Everybody expects to be cheated by
their own birthday party.
That’s not honey in the hive. That’s
a pinata
of killer bees. Who doesn’t feel
Polarized. The laser beams copy writing
as corporate logos, lobbyists and
lawyers worming
like loopholes in the misty covenant of
that will follow in the wake of global
from sea to shining sea, from Los
o city of drowned angels, to the East
Can you teach a ghost to swim? The
redresses the Tao of our conditioned
Chaos swings its pendulum by the neck
in the secret rendition of a
third-world dungeon.
Psychotic shadows of the curious
burning the eyes of a telescope out
in the Court of the Star Chamber
no one puts any credibility in the
of the truth anymore unless it’s
Spiders at the loom of the news weaving
their nets
into the tapestry of the truth like
prayer rugs
and flying carpets over New York in a
new sci fi movie
about tourists caught off guard,
the garbage cans of the have-nots in
the slums
and favelas of the Land of the
Narcotized Dead
floating face down in the lotus garden
of their toilet bowls,
or waiting for the bus, on a winter
morning, to go clean
somebody else’s house of life without
welcome mat of your own.
Paradigms of precisely organized
atavistic insects
dressed like heavily eclipsed swat
teams of robotic ants
to keep the collateral damage of the
helots, the aphids,
the kamikaze heretics that prefer
suicide to murder in line
with the corporate foodchain of their
modified dna.
And look more like the movie for
dramatic effect.
In the biogenetic labs of the
alchemical farmers
flowers that were just following orders
are on trial
for genocidal war crimes against the
bees. Dead fish
on the shoreline of your doorstep after
the oilspill
gave its word it would never happen
again and again and again
like a skidmark on the dirty laundry of
the earth.
Privatized slavers buying prisoners
like the children of the Visigoths for
a little dog meat.
Shoot first. Then ask endless inquiries
to keep the rest of us informed about
what’s happening
to the innocent. Democratic window
hung like garlands of laurel over the
sacrificial manneqins
posing in front of the Lincoln Memorial
to have
their pictures taken by the NSA. before
they cut
the throat of their bullshit like a
religious offering
to propitiate the compromised supremacy
of a human bill of rights to a
televised prosecution.
Isn’t it so? Or are you still looking
into the third eye
of a security camera in your bedroom,
calling it
enlightenment though it replays like a
snuff film
of serial killers on a red carpet at a
cinematic festival
celebrating the loveless obscenity of
our prime time inhumanity
to those we’re insulated from by our
reality shows?
All the glossy junkmail of the news.
Your political views
sponsored by feudal coalitions for a
baronial charter
of divine rights against the Peasant’s
Monsanto just bought Blackwater. Here
the Chinese warlords. Black ops for
fracking rights
and genetically engineered popcorn for
all of Africa.
It takes a lot less than having your
picture taken today
to have your soul stolen for good. The
stars demoted,
the gods are spy satellites. Smile,
you’re on Candid Camera.
Pyramidal hard drives in a desert of
data resurrected
like a conspiracy theory about
whistleblowing graverobbers
taking a short cut through the
afterlife of a cemetery in the dark.
Be sure. Be sure. There will come an
end to all of this.
Chaos out of conformative order. Messed
up lives
dismembering their childhoods like
celebrity voodoo dolls
in psychic theatres of the inane and
absurd. Citizen Kane
and Lavrentiy Beria dating the same
movie stars.
The scars on the face of the earth
caught in a hurricane rose
of razorblades will heal like the
shapeshifting cartography
of climate change and lakes in the wake
of the storm
will open the eyes of the Sahara again
to the water-gardens
of new mirages getting ready to bloom.
Doom has its day
and then ends up as homeless as the
rest of us
seeking shelter in the shadows of its
paranoid rage.
The people are impoverished. The people
are bullied and sad.
Repression. Depression. Aggression. The
are roiled by the savage indignation of
the bad
coming to the surface of consciousness
like snapping turtles
buried in the muck of their starmud,
slowly arising
like the moon out of a nightmare it’s
wholly possessed by
to redress the sidereal pretentiousness
of trumpeter swans.
As below. So above. Eventually. Beware
the rage of the mob.
It kills without the imperial niceties
of rank and distinction
like the protocol of a furious abattoir
looking for signs
of its revolutionary historicity in the
Sybilline Books of its blood spatter.
Civis Romanus. Cannon fodder Goths
slaughtering Dacians
under the aviary of eagles on behalf of
six Mafia families
fighting turf wars all over the known
world like Halliburton
and Exxon to get their hands on the
silvermines of Moesia,
the black camels of oil in Iraq just
like the Wall Street gangs
of New York, promising illegal
immigrants hunting, happiness
and home, access to a profiteering cure
all for firebombing
incidental villages without hospitals
like the ones they came from.
To live palatially in a place and time
where you can
grow fat off the garbage of Toronto
twenty-five million kids a year in a
based on agriculture are mummified
alive by starvation.
What to do? Take your fingertips off
the keyboard.
Touch a rock, the skin of a lover, a
baby’s hair.
Pierce the earlobe of a rose with its
own thorn
and hang jewellery you made yourself
like chandeliers of rain and stars as a
drop of blood
pearls like a berry of paint from the
Keep the same attitude toward life as
Break loves and fishes, if and when you
and throw a little salt of the earth of
Mother Russia
over your left shoulder on them, and if
sometimes you have to eat bitter, black
throw a little jam on it and pretend
a kind of surrealistic dessert. Common
sense, yes,
just enough to get by on, but rely upon
your imagination
to show you a back road deeper into the
where you were at your most lost the
last time,
when all those tears like a flashflood
in a mindstream
levelled out like water seeking its own
and you saw all those strange
waiting to be named, reflected in the
lowest of places.
Remain human, if only
Celebrate what’s approximate about
you, rounded off,
and how wonderful it is when you put it
up beside death
to second-guess what your neighbour
by nodding your head as if you were
at the Wailing Wall. Remember, arrayed
as it is,
illusion too is enlightenment but don’t
too long into the sun or fixate on an
through a glass darkly. Compassion
without reason
is wisdom. Reason without compassion
is the antic of a vindictive clown.
your abstractions. Ideologies are black
on your heart. What’s that compared
to the starmaps
you’re charting as you go along with
the wind
and the sea along the coast of your own
and sometimes, deep fjords where the
knife went deep
into the heart of the continent. Weep
when you need to,
one of the stations of your human
and when you get to the part where you
laugh out loud,
buy a dove on the black market and set
it free.
You’ll enlarge the sky you’re
walking under that way.
Seek, but know the seeking itself is
in your footsteps, finding signs of you
and when you do find something
share it. And let there be parity
between your eyes
and the stars they’re getting high
on, mindful
that tomorrow’s already been achieved
the light reveals it. That what you
isn’t idle reflection, or the
eccentric delirium
of a dust devil wheeling at a
crossroads in a desert
to see if it can dance like a Sufi,
Allaho, Allaho, Allaho,
but the whole of creation itself
collaborating with
your body and your mind, to see what
you make of it all
when it looks through your eyes opening
on a clear mountaintop with a view of
the valley below
like the prophetic skull of an
gazing at the splendour of the sidereal
on one of the great seeing nights into
human nature.
From quantum to quark, life is the
substance of revelation,
not concealment, It’s got its Burgess
its Conservation of Data Principles,
its black holes
and bad imitators like hydra-headed
hard drives that lose
the singularity, the mystic specificity
of things
like the tree of knowledge in a
labyrinthine forest
that leaves them as disoriented as the
north pole
in a haystack of compass needles
rendered trivial
as the eyelashes of the visionary
seeding the fires of life with the
incendiary urns
and ash eating furnaces of the green
resting for the moment in the pagodas
of the pinecones
like the crumb of a dream in the corner
of an eye
blooming in the flames like the return
of wildflowers,
to the burnt lands of a renewable
coming up with new creation myths
as if we were giving names, like elders
of the Ojibway at the birth of the
in the life-mask of a child, names to
the stars
like fireweed and raspberries, the
perennial ephemerids
that wink like fireflies at eternity as
a blind eye into the future could see
as far
into the abyss as a Cyclops, or a
one-eyed liar can
with the petrified cinder of an old
growth forest
driven like a silver stake of moonlight
through the heart of a vampire caught
at a bloodbank for low albedos
to the audiotapes of billions of nano
coming to get their blood lines back,
because the lowest in the foodchain
always eats first.
Virgo, still a virgin in the brothels
of the temple
Love with a passion whomever, whatever,
you’re inspired to, wholly dispossess
like a bat from a burdock, a lucky star
from the flypaper of your unwieldly
and run your hands through the
of this harvest of light rooted in the
with every stalk of wheat you sow like
an arrow
that already found the bull’s-eye
long before
anyone were targeted by hallucinogenic
burning the libraries of Alexandria and
the Incas.
Lord, spare me the deathblows of my
enemies, but beat off
my apparitional friends with the
jawbone of an ass
and wholly save me like a gnostic
parchment of human genomes
from the assassin behind the door
trying to save me from myself.
Let me fall asleep in an oracular cave
among the echoes of my poems and the
of my paintings done in red ochre for
and the experienced fires of life for
indelible charcoal,
and when I wake up like a dream figure
in the shadows
not let me know when, why, how, or
Just let me marvel in wonder I’m
transmorphically here at all
listening to the stars whispering to me
in my own voice.