Wait. Wait. Wait for it to come,
the mad folly of my creative
Bleak the flowers in this ruinous
and my psyche speaking in tongues
like gates someone left open banging in
the wind.
Bring on the storm. Uproot the
I will not run. I’ll stand here
as an amputated stump in this open
with a ghostly feeling I can grow my
arms back
like a faith healer sitting like
in solstitial silence at the last
broken window
snarling at the fixed stars that keep
in and out of the asylum like a seance
of fireflies
that’s turned into an angry mob
looking for stars to martyr for not
their fanatical starmaps as literally
as they do.
I’m an heretical astrologer tied to
the axis mundi
of my own imagination. I read my doom,
cowled in candlelight like the skull of
the full moon
scrying the entrails of a wounded bull
garlanded in laurels like a loveletter
to the gods.
My end without exit. My beginning
without a door.
My backbone bent like a rafter from
this dance floor that’s crippled me
for life.
Should I paint my skin blue? Should I
get a tattoo?
Should I carve a more fashionable
out of my heartwood and learn to lie
like a man
acquainted with the truth? Should I go
into battle naked
like a beserker sporting his own
in the face of an enemy outraged by the
I’m beating on a pinata of killer
I’m cauterizing my nerves with the
welder’s arcs of the stars until I’m
numb as an alloy
of water and blood at the point of a
that’s about to cut my throat like a
ouija board
that’s run out of answers and alibis
for everything.
I’m jester to the divine sense of
of a moody goddess trying to decide if
she’s a crone
or a nymph. Too late for autumn. Too
early for spring.
She falls through the cracks of time
like an old age pensioner. She is the
that takes the new moon from under my
and throws it like a penny into a
wishing well.
Good luck. I’m done. I’ve worn my
bones out
like dice in a gambling den long
Seven come eleven or snake-eyes,
it’s all come around like Russian
roulette to me.
I’m dissipating my intensity in the
supernal immensities
that don’t give a damn whether I
exist or not.
The hurricane’s out of the aviary.
The singing-master’s
dropped out of the choir of crows of
the black mass
in the ashes of the infidels cherishing
the leftover relics
in the sacred shrines of their fire
pits, surrounded
by the boundary stones of their
spiritual opulence.
I’m tired of mistaking a faithless
face in a broken mirror
as an ultimate insight into life.
There’s nothing orthodox
about a labyrinth of cul de sacs.
Nothing infernal
about a scapegoat driven out into the
by the sins of the tribe to graze on
burning bushes.
I’ve read the gnostic allegory of my
to loose-lipped interpreters in burning
all over this country from one coast to
the next
without being hexed like a nightbird
by their symbolic superstitions. And
I’ve listened
for vital signs of life in neglected
where no one’s making love on the
to tempt the silence out of hiding its
like a birthmark under the headstone
of a prophetic paperweight with no
voice of its own
to speak of were the wind not a
shepherd of leaves
looking for greener pastures for its
lost sheep.
I’ve done it right. Nothing less than
all the time. I’ve kept it all
together like a night sky
that goes on forever like a crow with
an eye
to the shining. I fletched my eyebeams
like arrows
with the feathers of ospreys to bring
down the stars
like messenger pigeons of the light
with rumours of home.
I’ve broken the seal of my blood,
like a scab on the moon,
or the immaculate sunspot of my word,
to liberate
the mystic singularities at the bottom
of a black hole
that promised them a better life on the
other side
and hung a lantern in the tunnel of an
oncoming thought train
that knew it could, knew it could, knew
it could,
but didn’t. What more could you ask,
moiety of my life hasn’t been devoted
to the absurdity
of conducting sky burials in an
orbiting observatory?
I’ve sung for my supper, sex, money,
fame and meaning.
I’ve raised my voice like an axe on
of people on the receiving end of the
and I’ve brought my winged heels down
on the skulls of slack snakes on
railway tracks
when it became clear as an X-ray to me
they weren’t fledgling dragons and
the babies
were as toxic as the adults. Retreads
on black asphalt,
most of their books, shedding their
as if they were laying rubber on well
published roads
lined with critical road kill.
Everybody underestimating
the monstrosity of a mythically
inflated ego
with the mass of a black dwarf that’s
on itself like the withered daylily of
a weather balloon.
Imagine the rapture of frogs in the
blissed out on the highbeams that will
crush them
like chocolates with strawberry hearts.
And everybody grieves like a sieve
for the mystic mishaps of the lesser
But poetry isn’t a joy ride for petty
and there are dangerous hitch-hikers,
thumbs up
on the backwoods highways at night out
in the starfields
poaching the horns of unicorns to sell
on a black market
that doesn’t believe one miracle’s
ever enough.
I may have been eclipsed by my own
but I can still shine. I radiate. I
emanate. Every meteor’s
got its radiant. And there are always
stars in a poet’s eyes
he hasn’t got around to naming yet
like diamonds in the rough.
My life might ring as hollow as an
empty silo,
and yet I’m fulfilled. I’m ripe as
the red end
of the spectrum, a windfall in the
all flavours of the lifesavers in the
My fear hasn’t aged. My grief. My
love. My imagination.
Strange recollections from dissonant
I regret having mismanaged the
retroactive exorcism,
of my childhood, but things get better
the less they matter.
Even a shipwreck on the moon has
oceanic powers
over the way the waters of life ride
out the storm.
I take liberties with chaos and risk
more than I have to lose,
bracing for the fall with an
incommunicable form of the blues
that reconciles me to the unattainable
by revealing
what’s most human about me isn’t a
still life with apple piety,
not what I excelled at, but the bruise
I achieved when I fell.