Another lightning strike diverted from
the oak
a moment so I can uproot my nerves,
steel them to the sensitivities of the
on a rampage, electrical snakestongues
of fire,
welding sparks jumping the gap between
one neuronic synapse stripped of
vitamin B
and the next, the entrance and exit of
a collapsed bridge.
I want to go out the way I came in, a
All my prophetic skulls laid out like
stones in a river,
an inundated cemetery of moons hoping
to catch the next providential tide of
spring run-off,
I’m still trying to get to the other
side of why
I’m alive, by jumping like the
moonrise of a pinball
from one extinction event to another,
keeping in mind
the meteor that gave its amino acids
to the elaboration of life on the
planet in the first place
will also be the one that takes it
A blow to the solar plexus of the earth
that knocks the atmosphere out of it.
But my mistletoe isn’t fried quite
though I’ve had to pawn my golden
just to survive the deforestation of my
sacred places,
I’ve got the eyes of the Gulf of
though given the oilslicks and
astronomical catastrophes
that always come as a suprise, I’m
a sea change of self somewhere in the
Cambrian era.
I’ve integrated a sense of compassion
into my cells
like the mitochondria of my mother. I
to the point there’s nothing human
under the stars,
from cartels to Cepheid variables that
I don’t take personally.
Some people collect souvenir spoons.
With me,
it’s scalpels. Especially the ones
still buried in my wounds
like crescent moons waxing and waning
like the phases of my eyelids, the
bright vacancy
of a full glass of emptiness, the skull
cup of the dark abundance
of the ghosts in the shadows that
refuse to be conditioned
by the medium of anyone’s seeing but
my own
as if they were all familiars of mine
from a long time ago
I met at a seance they summoned me to
as if
I were the one who had died in this
dream of life
and the living and the dead stood eye
to eye
like binocular vision in the
observatory of the same head.
Water, time, suffering, and the wind
blunts the sharp edges
I flintknapped like obsidian from the
eclipse of a new moon
that slowly pressed into my flesh like
a black rose
in the pages of a book I seldom open
like a bone-box with my fossils in it
that an avalanche
on the sea bed wears like tattoos on
the inside
to remember me by. There are wines and
as indelible and dark as the night,
through the heart forever, long after
the last tear in the rain has flowed
like a watercolour of a fallen leaf
under the bridge
of the mindstream you’re walking on
like a great blue heron.
Don’t let the brutal sorrows make you
like a plague rat the many joys of the
that used to unload its cargo of roses
in Genoa.
As soon as you fall like a cynic on the
bitter thorns of life
it’s oxymoronically inevitable you’re
going to become
quantumly entangled with someone who
rose petals in your path with such
disarming tenderness
you’re seated like a fool on the
impoverished throne
of your own defeated predictability.
Bad, prophet, bad.
Tomorrow mutates to adapt to the
available dimensions
of a future that has no conception of
you even
existing yet here in the past where the
real business
of living is done and now, though you
cut it infinitely fine
like God particles that turn out to be
your own mind,
never comes because time is what you
are and what
you shall be, embodied in the throb of
your own humanity.
Live up to it like the cause and effect
of the only
regressive alibi that has stood up for
you so long
it’s becoming a paradigm of stars and
a new myth of origin among the
that count on your imagination to
sustain them.
Fire in the eyes of a snowman. Shine,
shine, shine
like diamonds in the coal, wine in the
bitter grapevine
that doesn’t know where all this ends
like a road
gravelled with the skulls of hospitable
across the firmament so some drunk can
stumble his way
home alone, all his darkness and light
in harmony with the stars and daylilies
of the flames in his heart he’s
standing in for
like an unrecalcitrant martyr to the
heresy of the art
of staying drunk on the moonlight, the
who decree they know what’s right
burn in effigy
like a scarecrow because there’s no
body to dig up
when you drink life down to the lees of
the crows
looking for hidden jewels in the ashes
at the bottom of the cup
as if the urns of dragons are the seed
beds of the stars.