Haunted by long sorrows like a ghost
in a lighthouse on the moon with no one
to warn
stay away, stay away from me,
I’m a radioactive dump site, the slag
of stars.
A snakepit of downed powerlines
dancing without a snake charmer
to the backbeat of dark energies
that sweat me like a dragon in heat.
The moon is the urn of the ashes
of a nuclear reactor. My sister muse,
and, little sun, that shines at
look kindly upon my total eclipse.
I am not your deathmask, but I burn,
I burn like white phosphorus in the
of the Pleiades. Infernal incense
screening the smell of a scorched heart
that’s always in camouflage when it
in the shrine of a furnace to a
to put out the flames, put out the
the drapes of the poppies are burning
like Molotov cocktails. Am I still as
as I was thirty years ago in a house
that’s burned to the ground? Or is
another terrorist attack on my embassy?
The eyes in my crystal skull that
dimensions like the lenses in a
are thawing like glaciers of the last
and the windows are crying earth-shaped
pears of glass in a flashflood of
global warming.
Someone lend me a fire axe and I’ll
the head of the moon off like a hole in
the floor
we can all fall through like followers
of Lucifer.
Venus takes a swan dive in the morning
on the day of enlightenment. Sometimes
taking a fall for the sake of the other
is the only way you have of standing
your ground.
Drive me out into the wilderness to
cleanse your sins.
Pelt me with doomsday asteroids. Ever
what the scapegoats are preaching in
the desert
to the vipers and the scorpions that
like the bling of hot jewellery lost in
the hot sands
of the sun? Tar me in asphalt and
feather me
like a pillowcase that has nightmares
about flying.
And I’ll return with the pearl of a
black dwarf
between my teeth like an implosion of
deepened into a dark master of esoteric
And I’ll pull you down like a
moonbeam by the ankle
into the dark mirror of the lake like a
snapping turtle
anchors a swan in the starmud on the
I’ll show you the life that thrives
out of reach
of the light. We’ll make a pilgrimage
of the smoking fumaroles
of your subconscious, and I’ll show
the whole zoo of surrealistically
sentient life forms
mythically inflated like the giant
squids and krakens,
sea cucumbers ten times their surface
living on the hydrogen sulphide of your
magmatic desires
like the R-complex of rotten cosmic
that leave an evil aftertaste in the
of the snakes, dragons, and crocodiles
that spit out their yolks like gamma
ray bursts
of bad sunshine sublimating the dry ice
of your eyes
into the tears of a ghost at its own
Like a massive planet in an outer orbit
on the horns of a dilemma, I’ll purge
the black halo of comets you wear like
a corona
in an eclipse, and clear your solar
of that laurel of thorns wrapped around
your head
like a galactic turban of razor wire
uncoiling like the spiralled wavelength
of the God particle of a snake in the
mystic fire
of another martyred heresy that set you
at the stand up pulpit and pyre of my
own auto de fe
to aspire abysmally higher than the
death of desire.