Wednesday, October 10, 2012



The widening compass of pain in the wake
of beauty that must pass deeper into us,
the illimitable spaces within, than any black hole
the gateway of its singularity into another world
where the ashes of the stars we once walked under
nourish the flower mouths of a darker shining
than this that consumes us here in these intimate fires
where lovers consult each other’s desires like starmaps
and farewell is the path of a transitory medium.

Deeper than nails, than stars, than the night skies
we breathe so deeply into us our lungs burn
in the cold air, to transform them into blood,
to bathe in the fragrance of the light in our tears,
to root the seeds of our despair like nerves
of dark matter in the tillage of our starmud
until the universe is shaped by the unseen
and what we curse today as pain, tomorrow
we shall bless in praise of what our sorrows
came to mean like autumn to the apple of the heart.

Give loss two wings, not one to lure away predators
from what you cherish most in life
by feigning injury like a feather duster
or a cedar bough that sweeps the earth of your tracks,
two, if you want the waterbirds to rise
from the unnamed lakes of your grief
and send your longing off into oblivion
like a message that isn’t expecting an answer
from what you seek so ardently from love
it’s a secret you dare not speak of, even to yourself
lest you soil it with your own vulnerability.

Wounded, practise the art of soothing
with no thought of saving yourself. Separate
and apart, let your eyes speak of union
as if every drop of rain flowed
like the course of the river from the mountain
to the sea, down the broken windowpane
of the ice in the eye of the fountain of your lament.
Poor in spirit, break the dark abundance
of your poverty into bread you can share
with the bright vacancy of the rich
who have squandered their shadows
on the mirages of light that deceive them
like birds flying into mirrors of the sky
like windows in a palace of water
that disappears into oblivion as soon
as the prince reaches out to possess
his own illusion like the reflection of a moonrise.

Even if you’ve built a pyre of green wood
that hisses and smoulders like the wet leaves
of a holy book you’ve been crying over in the fall,
waiting for a phoenix to perch on your burning bough,
lie down upon it yourself and be that flower
that blooms in the fire of your autumn immolations.

At war with the world and yourself
like two halves of the same unbroken wishbone,
teach the children how to approach their crossroads
in peace, and speak of the sword of the slayer
like a sacred syllable in the mouth of the slain
that cut through your umbilical cord
like a link in a golden chain that held you back
from the liberation of a lyrically unbounded life.

Mollify the poison of the thorn with the cure
in the medicine bag of the other fang.
When the wedding gown of the Japanese plum tree
is ruined in the rain and the dust like blossoms
blowing down the road like the happiness you hoped for,
be the nude in the doorway of a darker bliss
that roots its revelation like lightning in the soil
of your flesh, like deltas of insight greeting
an ocean of awareness at the end of a long pilgrimage,
knowing the return journey is more radiant than the first.




No muse around, I sit down by the side of the road
and let my solitude inspire me, insights
flashing like unnameable night birds
across the occult intuition of the moon.
The dark matter of nocturnal words
like the nerves of the light, the hidden scaffolding
before the light begins to shine like neurons
or the superclustering of galaxies strung out
along my axons rooted in 120 billion cells of starmud.

The silence revels in its unpredictability.
Moonrise over the birches, great blue herons
reflected in the waters of the swamp,
and a parity among wild things that makes us all
equally susceptible to each other
as we charge the air and ionize the shadows
with our sentience, everybody with blood in the game.

No rules. Just instincts. Life neither fair, nor sly
when the snow owl snatches the purse of the mouse
that was trembling under the juniper
its cheeks full of seeds like the eyes
of another roll of the dice. Peaceful here,
remotely freaked with danger though I’ve outwalked
the ghosts and robots who were harrying me
like an uncooperative medium swarmed by voices
pleading with me for time shares in my life awhile.

The far town, diffuse, an apparition,
a haze of infra red above the tree-line,
as the road I’m on narrows deeper into the woods,
though I don’t know what it is
I’m walking away from or toward
or if one mile west is one mile east
or the earth is moving under me
and I’m just trying to keep my balance
by staying in the same place. Until
I get to the farmhouse where the road
loops back on itself like a needle or a noose
and I can feel it following me with its eyes
like shattered moonlight beaming
from the windows that still keep more inside
than they let on, something sacral about the place
with its sway-back roof and overgrown porch
playing solitaire with the floorboards
laid out like a well used deck of cards
curled at the corners as if someone
had cheated themselves, no one else around.
The gate’s a drunk swinging by one arm
as it falls and the vetch catches it in a safety net
it remains entangled in. The sutures
of a cedar rail fence trying to stitch up space
with staves of femurs stacked like skeletons
in the skin and flesh of lunar lichens and moss
fallen into disrepair long after the music has flown.

And there’s a presence, remote and almost menacing,
stronger than the spirit of any church,
as if something had gone on living here
well past its time, that wasn’t a ghost
though it had undoubtedly died by now
to judge from the year it stopped
nailing license plates like a rusting calendar
to the woodshed door. Alive, but so estranged
even the leaves shuddered like no trespassing signs
as I stood warily in my culpability as a human
who could feel the taboos in his blood
even if he didn’t always heed them, beware, beware
whose ground you tread, whose threshold you cross
in your rootless wandering back into the past
that isn’t going anywhere without you.