for Alysia
Among all that seems and appears and passes away,
among all the fears and sorrows, the longing and anger,
and all the ephemeral joys that nest in fire,
and the forms and the formlessness
in the myriadic upwelling of this human space
endlessly reconfiguring its own transformations
to the cornerstones of its quicksand constellations;
among all that is born and bleeds and heals
and breathes its life out like a last thread of smoke
from the candle of flesh that wore its face down to its heels,
and its eyes removed like grapepits from the wine of the seeing,
and its mind a black window no one looks through,
I have come to love you as no other.
Among the million elations of this radiant morning,
though the sun be ignorant of what it sets astir,
and the earth bask like a seed in the wound of the light,
not knowing what is about to flower;
though in this peerage of luminaries,
I am the darkest of all,
I have come to love you as no other
and all that’s bright in me is the thief of your shining.
I want you to know, you must know, how foolishly
I align these words like birds crazed by autumn
to write my love of you large in the mothertongue of the sky
that beads planets and skulls alike into rosaries
to count the names of the mystery that has embodied me
to let you know in blood and snow and apples and stars,
though in the vastness of this eternal night
my spirit be no more than a glow-worm in a canning jar,
or I be overwhelmed like Mercury in the morning light,
though you abide in fire, water, earth, and air,
and wear the rags and gowns and jewels
of these exuberant elements,
you must know how each morning,
vital breath on a delirious windowpane,
my life awakes in the nebular blaze of your being
as if it were the first star in the luster of a new medium
that singularly sustains it.
You are young and beautiful, radioactively creative,
and you have danced with the darkness
like the stars in the eyes of a black snake
and painted your own moon on its sloughed skin
and tatooed a black rose of blood on your heart with its own thorn
like the bruised blueprint of a new constellation
you’re adding to the zodiac
like a heretical house of lovers.
And I know you keep the moon close to your heart like a blade
to slash a new mouth in the black envelope of the night
that comes like a furious loveletter that refuses to open
the blue firegates of his blood
to the pilgrim whose passionate passage
is her holiest shrine,
all those crescents of the moon,
and the ease of their dangerous beginnings,
a way of winnowing thorns
when the wind came wearing horns
like the string of a bow to a notch in an arrow
or lightning in the grass to a sparrow.
But it’s the courage of your tenderness that prevails
like fireflies on an August night upstaging the stars
or a waterlily on the moon like faithful water
opening her petals like sails
to go in all directions at once
true to the exultation of her own radiance,
the elation of mystic waves on the high seas of her shining,
and the shadows of the bells in the valleys between them,
not the pain.
If you hurt for the right reasons suffering has its seasons, if not
it’s winter forever in the mouths of the furnaces
that broke like ice when their jaws dropped
and, birds in the chimney, their words never got out.
And your poetry knows this as well as I do
and my spirit is enhanced by the dance
of your transformative dragons
as you witch for water on the moon with an abandoned crucifix,
walking on dead seas that make your feet tremble like lifeboats
all the way out and back.
And you know how to feather the wind with wings
and there are flowers in the far, dusk-bound fields of your emotions
wilder than anything the light has ever seen before
that bloom like a whisper of fire only once
and then close their eyes like jewels
to dream of things the night could have said
when it tried to rob your grave like sapphires in your bed,
not knowing it takes more than a miner to raise the dead.
Yours is the blood of the ruby that wounds the thorn,
as you wield the sword of your sex in a lost cause
like a precarious herb of the moon
that kneels before the cripples of desire
and heals like fire.
This morning, raucous crows in the troubled trees,
and loose necklaces of Canada geese moving north,
and you’re five thousand miles beyond my fingertips
and your black and white picture, your face,
lies like the single blossom of the only spring that matters to me
beside the aging documentaries of the lies I wanted to be.
I look at your face. I imagine my lips on your skin,
and feel the lion lie down with the lamb of your flesh,
and my blood cooking paradise in the eye of the angel-spoon
you hold up to my lips like a tender of transformation
as I grow addicted to my own withdrawal,
swimming through mirrors, enthralled.
And I tell myself that five thousand miles is only a threshold away
and sixty years just a momentary footnote of clay
and the lucky day is when you discover it’s all one day,
as I zen the omission of my approach to slight the time
I haven’t spent with you, bound by blood to the earth.
I measure the eras like a pulse in the abyss of the unborn
and confide in a return address that is unlocatably now,
but there’s more enlightenment in longing to touch your hand,
a deeper satori in this darkness that shines like your eyes
than there is in the little of nothing that I understand,
as all the clarities I once preached to convert the windows
turn into upturned goblets in a cupboard, waiting for wine,
as the fever of an hourglass breaks like a bubble of sand,
and my desire for you, is the time.
The dead branch feels spring
like the ghost limb of a rootless amputee
and there’s an urgency of bees and the moon and the night
to set the orchards right as if every blossom of you,
every leaf, the fragrant preludes of your honey on the wind,
and the fire-eating roots of your underground choir,
were the mystic epiphany of an earthly desire
to proclaim the buddha of lust
with an offering of blood and dust
that wasn’t profaned by the giving of it.
Defects of meaning, let us lie in each others’ arms
and exploit the charms of seeming
while the world upgrades the morals of its alarms.
Here, now, I’m messing with your earlobes
and my hand on your thigh is full of risk
and I’m pushing buttons to find the right line
for a conference call to your mouth,
and there’s a tide of iron in my blood
that sways like a bell over your enchanted island
and waves and skies I’ve worn for years like hoods
on a scaffolding of bone
are shedding like swords and eclipses,
the horned petals that rose the thorns of the viper,
as I fulfill the prophecy of your wound
in a rush of blind avatars that bleed like stars.
How many nights have I wondered my way
into lying down beside you
just to shadow the dream of the fire
and touch your eyelid with the tip of a finger
as gently as a drop of water at the end of a blade of grass
as if to add a star of my own
like the seed of a new constellation to your night?---
this intimacy with you, always a bird shy of your coast,
the only way I knew I was alive
whenever the rain on the windows
began to paint my ghost,
and my spirit smudged its own honey
like smoke in a hive,
and you alone among shrines
that have scattered their gods like milkweed
were my only devotion, the ocean in the eye of the seed.
And the days intervene, and the nights pass
and my thoughts and feelings traverse the waste
like lamps and bells in a caravan crossing a desert of dead stars,
and I am not assured of much in life, and all my dreams
all my emergency flights, my backdoor transformations
are stuck in their cocoons like foodbanks waiting for wings.
And sometimes I feel like an apocryphal phase of the moon
waving good-bye like a fire on its upended stern
after it’s lowered its last lifeboat
and taken a dive in the ring like a punchy boxer.
I have my fears, my secret terrors, hours
that come like forensic interviews,
inquisitive scalpels that chill me to the bone
trying to unbarrow the facts like jewellry from a grave.
And the silence raves starkly and the nightwind rattles the windows
like a prisoner with his cup at the bars
and the hanged man at the end of his wick
wears the flame of his life like an executioner’s hood
before a cold gathering of jeering stars,
hoping his last words might open the gate on the cage
and free a few doves.
I fear the dark clarity of death’s liberated eloquence,
the lethal whisper of chafing shadows in the hall,
and I have been slashed by insights at the window
that would appall glass
as I winced at my mortality,
the shearing implacability of its transience,
and dared myself deeper into its darkness to see
if life were the gift of an unknown donor born to be undone
or merely a quirk of water impounded by the sun.
But I must go on; I must try to be and see and say
everything you mean to me
when even the road loses its own way
and every sky is burning like the sail of a ruined fleet
and you come to me like the night
in your gown of blackberrry blood
like the fragrance of forbidden jewels
on a breeze of light,
and I am uplifted by the mystery and beauty and guile
and feather of a smile, that is a woman.
You’re a perilous well with stars in your mouth
deep in my soul like water
that tastes of the light of life
to a man who has scarred the deserts on the moon.
You can ask any headstone of a planet
how lethal it is to expend a lifetime
waiting for life to turn around;
billions of years, and no skulls in the ground.
But you are worlds within worlds of eyes and awareness
spinning these lightning threads of life out of space
as you witch with a serpent’s tongue for fire
that burns like a waterlily in the afterlife of the urn
that dumps its ashes over gardens on the moon.
Do you understand; is it clear,
does it shine beyond meaning
where even the stars can’t go
that the immensity of this once is forever,
and the small realms of the distinctions that sever
are dwarfed to nothing by the abundance of this abyss
that ignites the whole of being with the delirium of a kiss
that never wakes the dreamer from the dream
of that kiss going on forever
like this waterclock of stars
that flows through the nights and mornings of our hearts like blood?
I have come to love you as no other
and though death may seed the starmud with coffins,
this hour and flower are supple with life
and time isn’t a hand on a knife
or the bud a brittle spearhead
as I explore the bays and shores of your face
as if my seeing were tides of a discerning sea
and your lips, an island,
and in every wave of me
urgent as the moon, you, pervasively, you
brighter than the fountain mind that arises inconceivably
to lavish itself like falling water on its own reflection,
and I know I can’t say this
but I’m going to try,
my voice a fly at the windowpane
among a profusion of stars,
a manic violin
playing variations on a scar
where every note is a razor
in a requiem that bleeds like tar
over the attrition of the holy from the human,
and you must hear this, you must
touch and taste and and see and be this
aspiration of breath in an echoless valley
to the apex of your mountain top
like a cloud of emodied light
that doesn’t smear the mirror in its passage.
Because I have come to love you like no other
and I want to squander birds on you in the morning
and root these words in your flesh like trees
and overturn the cornerstones of my knees
in a mystic demolition of shrines
that have turned their pages
like ripe moons on the vine
that unroll their red carpets of blood and wine
like the dark queens of rapture
that bind their captor
to the elixirs of ecstasy
that lace our annihilations
with lucidities in the lees of a sign
that even the beast of our darkest culpabilities
will eventually emerge like night from its lair and shine.
All week I’ve been failing myself to say what can’t be said
like a battered salmon leaping up the mindstream
that flows like the Milky Way, the Road of Ghosts,
the spume of these images kicked up like stars and dust along the way,
these gusts of seeing that settle lightly
like worlds on the leaves of the singing tree
that has tasted the lightning down to its roots,
just to mean as deeply as I can
who you are to me, knowing
not the wind, not a river, not
all the inflections of fire that love speaks
are voice and silence and awareness enough
to express why I live you this way
as if you were everything I ever had to say.
I shall pass. And you shall pass.
And there will come a day
when my hands can no longer feel water,
and these eyes that look upon your face now
as if the moon came like a blossom to the vine
will find their way like green stars
into the heart of the apple
or who knows, maybe even
tine the tears that run like rain
down the new glass in the nightwindowpane
waiting to be sweetened by the moon.
And here I go again, uplifted like a boy in a backalley
scuffing the world around like a rock one moment
and the next, a kite on a breeze that feels like you,
and the leaf of my tongue trying to say the tree,
the flame, the fire, the feather, the bird,
when I’m only a lonely letter scattered on the wind
and you’re the word that’s deep within.