A reminder to the positivist thought police
when they're mainlining their fairy dust
not to be negative about my negativity.
There’s a lot of dark matter in the universe
that’s unaccounted for
and if you were born and grew up
in a black hole
it’s hard to think like a fridge magnet.
Do you really think the far side of the moon
spurns the light and grows horns
just to jump out of the darkness at you like an ambush?
I know the night startles you.
You might swim like a swan
on a sleazy river in moonlight
and adorn yourself in feathers of light
to fool your own reflection
but down deep
where your blood turns into mud
you’re just another snapping turtle in disguise.
If I have two eyes. One for the day.
And one for the night
and a third when it’s open
that conjoins them both
into the seeing of a mystic hermaphrodite
that practises love like an occult science
that refuses to husk the light of its shadows
just to make popcorn under a harvest moon,
what the fuck is that to you
who walk around with your eyes
fitted like jewels in your nostrils
to sniff out the darkness in people
like drugs at an international airport?
You can follow the fireflies all the way to the outhouse
if you wish,
you can set an example for us all
with your sterling constellations
hung like messianic traffic lights
above all these T-boned moral crossroads
where you keep slamming into yourself
everytime you change gears to put on the brakes.
You’re a seat-belt away from becoming a straitjacket
as the whole asylum puts the moon on its tongue like a pill
and if by their fruits ye shall know them,
then your straight and narrow way
of threading your spinal cord
through the eye of your needle of insight
to sew up the wounded world like a mouth
is littered with roadkill.
Trying to reform
what will always be perfect
is the Iago of violence
in the ear of the purist
who doesn’t believe anyone
can achieve themselves on their own.