Friday, July 9, 2010




It’s getting harder to amuse Sisyphus

but madness too is a generalization

that’s hard to resist

and everyone needs a hill of their own

they can approach with passion

from any direction

like Caesar surrounding Vercingetorix at Alesia

or a recurring dream that suffers from amnesia

everytime it comes true.

You were one hill of a woman

and I was a rolling stone

and I still can’t get over you

even in the way I’m happy alone

doing what I must do

for no particular reason of my own.

I’m just walking around

like any other extraordinary ordinary human

pushing my skull up to the high ground

so it can get a better view

of what it had to grow through

to achieve nothing it can cling to

any longer than the time it takes to undo.












Enraptured by the all-inclusive mystic specificity

of terrestrial things.

Appalled by the inhumanity of the way

humans can so easily inflict

what they fear the most

upon each other

as if there were some strange alien duty

in their reptilian cruelty

some small nugget of the meteor that struck the earth

back in the Permian

that we’ve retained like an R-complex

savagely jealous of the rest of the brain.

I can get along without matter

as does most of the universe

and Asia

but mind and form are a different issue.

When water thinks deeply

about what it might be

it’s always a sea

with a small stream of consciousness running into it like me.

It’s a way of picturing the inconceivable for a moment

when time wants to be seen

walking in a world of forms

it effaces like the meaning of dreams.

A provisional scaffolding of smoke

to climb up on and paint

the miraculous birth of water

before it became a saint.

I’ve sat around the old fires

of summer ghosts on a distant hillside

and listened to the stories they tell

of how wild and free words were

to name things in the garden as they liked

until God discovered his voice.

And flowers and stars

were no longer mystic gestures

of existential glee

that expressed themselves spontaneously

as if the gene-pool of the fireflies

were always dreaming up

new myths to explain to the constellations

how they came to arise

over the event horizons

of our cosmic windowsills

after so many years of longing

but a choice they’re compelled to make

atom by atom

star by star

as if they were trying to say

something as enduring and meaningful

as an aqueduct flatlining like a waterclock without a pulse

to speak of.

The sun doesn’t tell the wildflowers where to grow.

You can’t dispel the mystery of being here at all

with the things you think you know.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

There’s no freedom in a fist.

There’s no captive in an open hand.

There’s no way to get a grasp on space

without giving it your face.

You can look at life as if it were all absurd.

Credo ergo absurdum.

I believe because it’s absurd

according to St. Jerome.

Or you can venture further from home than that

and explore life as if there were nothing to understand

because you already do

or you wouldn’t be you

trying to give the word

to every new creation

as if the last thing you wrote

like hieroglyphics in quicksand

kept returning to where it began

like the pearls of wisdom

that come of all these

cosmic grains of the universe

that agitate the tongue of the absurd

into saying something crazy to the moon

she’s never heard before.

All things are ways of expression

but the muse doesn’t open her door

to the pimps of inspiration

who think she’s a whore.

And it’s a death worse than neglect

to turn your calling into a project

and build a palace of ice in the desert

to house your accomplishments

like snowflakes in a furnace.

Say what you must say

as if the words weren’t your own

but the natural eloquence of the lifestream

saying the moonlight in passing.

Like a man on a long dark road

in an unknown country

who talks to himself

as if he weren’t alone with everything

like a foreign language

that asks him his name

and he says it in a way

it can’t forget

that water is wave

fire is flame

air is wind

earth is dirt

body is flesh

mind is form

and the seven sisters of the Pleiades

going down over the rooftops

of the abandoned farm

and the roses that have kept on growing

and the hills that have learned

to keep things to themselves

and the gate that hangs by one hinge

like last year

now there’s nothing

to keep in or out

are all radically rooted

in what must disappear

in the now and here

of the mysterium tremendum

in order to become

you and I and us and them

looking for signs

of where we come from

to ratify our intellectual pursuits

though our original home

is the same long road

we’ve been walking for years

and it’s still thick as starmud on our boots.































Trying to crawl back into myself

like a long birth canal

into a cathedral cave

to see what I really feel

about the symbols and totems

I painted in my own blood

like writing on the wall of the womb

that gave birth to the world that I am.


Shamanistic grammar.

Hunting magic.

A brief man’s need

to make a lasting impression.

Carnal graffiti and spiritual tatoos.

I was here once

and here’s my hand for proof.

Its fingers are splayed

like the rays of the rising sun

and it isn’t asking for anything.

I was formed out of the mutability

of the negative space

that surrounds dark matter like light

when evolution colluded

to experience one of its experiments

as if it were looking through my eyes

at a stranger’s insight

and the face I wear in the world

were no more my own

than the reflection of the moon

belongs to the water that mirrors it and moves on.

So I went looking for my true self

and found it in everyone else

though no one ever recognized it in me

because they were all looking in the wrong direction.

Put two eyes on zero like dice

and you might be surprised

at what you can see

through the eyesockets of a skull

rolling seven come eleven

again and again

on the blind side of pain

after snake-eyes

in a back-alley up against a cave wall.

Running my luck

is my way of asking God

if she still loves me.

But even when she says she does

her answers are often hurtful and strange

and there’s more gate than garden

in the way she takes chances on me

I wouldn’t if I were her.

But I’m not trying to preserve what I’m not

from passing away

when the moonlight burns

like lime on Mozart’s skin

and I’ve got nothing

to tell the outside anymore

about the in.

I pulled doves

out of the sleeves of a black magician

having mastered every mystic eclipse

of infernal insight known to the human

that mentors the demon within

and sacrificed them to their freedom

like words on the voice of the wind

that said them with care and devotion

like butterflies in a dragon’s mouth

that had turned its roar into a whisper

and its teeth into the petals of a crazy flower

that may not have bloomed right

but gave them a place to land

and drink from the acids in my mouth

I had gentled into nectar.

Why is gratitude always a child

that dies young?

Why is it we prefer to be good

but when we’re in a bad fix

more than many defer to evil?

The pillars of pagan temples

fall like yarrow sticks

and everything’s written

in the Book of Changes

like the secret history

of fire on water

or that tale that always

ends at the beginning of things

like a ghost at the broken window

of an old abandoned myth of origin

that people have grown too clever

to believe in anymore

and walk by without looking

for fear they might see someone

like themselves

who’s been as vastly misunderstood

as life has

by the holy books that line their shelves.

Civilized people lost their tails

talking like fossil seabeds

on a mountain top

as if they were the Burgess Shales

and didn’t know like life

when to stop

or which side was down

and which side was up

as they backtracked on their ancestors.

They climbed spinal ladders of bone

they hoped would come to their rescue

before the fires of life consumed them

like trilobites and enlarged craniums

in the bigger picture of things

that pulls feathers out of the flames

like names from that lottery of words

that turns the thunder of tandem dinosaurs

into the forbidden nightsongs of random birds.

Blissed out without an ego for a thesis

in the abyss of it all

enraptured with the nature of things

as they are

when they listen

like unmovable stars

to the music of my inner vision

when I don’t fall back on a sad decision.


























Trying to crawl back into myself

like a long birth canal

into a cathedral cave

to see what I really feel

about the symbols and totems

I painted in my own blood

like writing on the wall of the womb

that gave birth to the world that I am.


Shamanistic grammar.

Hunting magic.

A brief man’s need

to make a lasting impression.

Carnal graffiti and spiritual tatoos.

I was here once

and here’s my hand for proof.

Its fingers are splayed

like the rays of the rising sun

and it isn’t asking for anything.

I was formed out of the mutability

of the negative space

that surrounds dark matter like light

when evolution colluded

to experience one of its experiments

as if it were looking through my eyes

at a stranger’s insight

and the face I wear in the world

were no more my own

than the reflection of the moon

belongs to the water that mirrors it and moves on.

So I went looking for my true self

and found it in everyone else

though no one ever recognized it in me

because they were all looking in the wrong direction.

Put two eyes on zero like dice

and you might be surprised

at what you can see

through the eyesockets of a skull

rolling seven come eleven

again and again

on the blind side of pain

after snake-eyes

in a back-alley up against a cave wall.

Running my luck

is my way of asking God

if she still loves me.

But even when she says she does

her answers are often hurtful and strange

and there’s more gate than garden

in the way she takes chances on me

I wouldn’t if I were her.

But I’m not trying to preserve what I’m not

from passing away

when the moonlight burns

like lime on Mozart’s skin

and I’ve got nothing

to tell the outside anymore

about the in.

I pulled doves

out of the sleeves of a black magician

having mastered every mystic eclipse

of infernal insight known to the human

that mentors the demon within

and sacrificed them to their freedom

like words on the voice of the wind

that said them with care and devotion

like butterflies in a dragon’s mouth

that had turned its roar into a whisper

and its teeth into the petals of a crazy flower

that may not have bloomed right

but gave them a place to land

and drink from the acids in my mouth

I had gentled into nectar.

Why is gratitude always a child

that dies young?

Why is it we prefer to be good

but when we’re in a bad fix

more than many defer to evil?

The pillars of pagan temples

fall like yarrow sticks

and everything’s written

in the Book of Changes

like the secret history

of fire on water

or that tale that always

ends at the beginning of things

like a ghost at the broken window

of an old abandoned myth of origin

that people have grown too clever

to believe in anymore

and walk by without looking

for fear they might see someone

like themselves

who’s been as vastly misunderstood

as life has

by the holy books that line their shelves.

Civilized people lost their tails

talking like fossil seabeds

on a mountain top

as if they were the Burgess Shales

and didn’t know like life

when to stop

or which side was down

and which side was up

as they backtracked on their ancestors.

They climbed spinal ladders of bone

they hoped would come to their rescue

before the fires of life consumed them

like trilobites and enlarged craniums

in the bigger picture of things

that pulls feathers out of the flames

like names from that lottery of words

that turns the thunder of tandem dinosaurs

into the forbidden nightsongs of random birds.

Blissed out without an ego for a thesis

in the abyss of it all

enraptured with the nature of things

as they are

when they listen

like unmovable stars

to the music of my inner vision

when I don’t fall back on a sad decision.