Supersymmetrical fluctuations in my
God particle field
are oxymoronically balancing my
quantum mechanical relationship between
and antimatter into sacred syllables of
sibilant sparticles
so I can go on living substantively
losing my balance
by creatively annihilating myself
against a background
of perfect harmony. Is it love? Is it
poetry? Is it
the amorphous music of becoming someone
mystically specific
with mass throwing its weight on the
side of my humanity
by loading the dice with one eye more
than the perfection
of my non-existence knows what to do
or is everybody playing the part of an
extra in their own life?
Languid apples of knowledge dancing
to the wavelengths of snakes playing
moonlight sonatas
on the plectra of their pentatonic
scales as if my photons and photinos
were all blissed out by Liszt. It’s
as hard listening to a painting
that doesn’t know how to sing, as it
is to see
how an omniscient secret could hide
from itself
until it wished to be known. But as
every dragon intuits
it’s not an elixir if you’ve got a
formula for it,
and when the universe wants to speak if
it isn’t
talking to itself in its sleep, or
trying to come up
with a poem or an equation to fit all
like a unified field theory with a
burning bush
for a voice box addressing an
indentured prophet
in a desert gully, pleading his
brother’s superior eloquence,
it’s mourning the ashes of books that
were burnt at the stake
for interrupting the silence. It’s
harder to break the rules
after you’re dead than it is to
discipline your disobedience
to the greater challenges of rising
from Pandora’s box
to the greater miscreance of not
your insights into life like real stars
to give up shining for the sake of a
false dawn
the roosters and the wildflowers aren’t
paying any attention to.
The flower bows to the butterfly. The
enshrines the sundial and the star
reveres the eye
as a child of its own. Nothing could be
clearer than that.
The opposite of mindlessness isn’t
the death of intelligence.
And the complement to love has never
been hate.
Hate wastes too much energy
its own inspirations like a
with a home movie camera, starring
A swerve of the God particle and love
one in seven times has no opposite to
collide with
just to keep a preponderance of
creativity in the world.
And the rest is just nemetic lust out
for a good time.
Everytime you whine for a muse to help
you celebrate
this little potsherd of eternity that
keeps turning thumbs down
like an ostrakon at your exile, you
shame the Big Bang
into believing that she wasn’t muse
enough to keep you occupied
over the last 13.5 billion lightyears
of your lifespan.
But I would tender, respectfully, of
course, it’s not the world
but you that have lost your charisma.
Your shabby sense of wonder
is wasted on a face like that, and your
tongue talks
like an old shoe that’s never
wandered very far from home.
Enlarge yourself like a plenipotentiary
your children will be able to look up
to like a constellation
that refused to stay within bounds but
coloured outside
its fifteen degrees of separation in a
sexigesimal zodiac.
Reverse the spin on your mirrors once
and awhile
and take a good look at yourself on the
inside as if
you weren’t trying to build an empire
founded upon
the quicksand of somebody’s else’s
miracles. Who doesn’t
love dancing with the Persian silks of
the aurora borealis
their flesh shapeshifting like lamias
and snakes under their veils,
cyanotically blue moodrings turning the
pallor of death
into the irises of a chameleon that’s
learned how to paint
a supernaturally toned oil of whatever
comes before it?
Do you see how enlightening it is to
the high-livers on the catwalks out in
the street in homespun?
Get back to the the roots of things
like the radical
you’ve always told yourself you were
from the late sixties on?
If you’re not worthy of the madness,
how can you reasonably
expect to live up to being sane?
Nothing worse
than a careerist with the ambitions
of a prophetic skull in an asylum
trying to listen in on cosmic office
like the afterbirth in the background
hiss of the universe.
Come withering, come fire, come hungry
flames of desire
that will apocalyptically transmogrify
your limbs into a great forest
consumed by lightning into a flash of
that knows enough about annihilation
not to light
a match in a black hole that’s
teaching you how to see in the dark,
or, more recuperatively creative,
as the progenitive dew of the moon was
once reputed to do,
or moonlight on the Byzantine leaves of
the metallic Russian olives,
parabolic mirrors with an aquiline view
of the stars.
Get ready for this. It’s approaching
as if it were already
behind you like the light you see from
Al Tair tonight
is merely the shadow of what it’s
becoming without you
knowing anything about it like a
surprise birthday party
that doesn’t leave your tears singing
in the rain among
the myth floods of Babylon crying out
like uterine waters
breaking all around you for arks to
lullaby your cradles
of civilization on a Turkish
mountaintop that’s about
to put its forehead to the ground in an
of asteroids and shepherd moons
to their foundation stones like an
unmastered ship
going down in its oceanic awareness of
the Pleiades,
or a humbled man, who realizes
at the drop of a heart, the mermaids
were always
singing to him as if he could swim
without taking lessons.
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