I have grown
significantly to understand that every throne I’ve ever sat upon
was quicksand and that I am living leniently on the match-head of a
planet waiting for the thumbnail of the moon to ignite it with one
quick flick of a crescent. Equine and apocalyptic as hell, and the
irony is, more than possibly accurate. I’m running out of doors
where I can billet my assassins; I keep giving my heart to women who
reject it like a bloodbank without an overdraft. I’m a diffraction
pattern in the twilight zone, in media res, between this world
and the next, and that’s not the one where the herders and the
hunters are having it out in a range war of religions. Like a page
torn out of the multiverse, I’m just a zone of local cooling, a
sunspot, and my neighbour is another, though we know we’re both
just fooling when we call each other brother. Forty-eight years a
poet and a painter, intoxicated by the picture-music threading the
fog of the sirens like a theme I couldn’t resist. Foolish, I
suppose, not to have tied myself off like a lifeboat and rowed and
rowed for years just to stay where I am, but I had to jettison my
landing gear to achieve cruising altitude in the oxymoronic abyss
that the sirens demanded, saying, live this, if your poetry
isn’t just the romantic bloodletting of a rose from a vein that
you’ve slashed on the moon, prove you’re not a lie to us, and
conduct yourself like a terrorist, prepared, are you prepared?---to
die for us. I cut the eyes out of an eclipse and wore it over my face
like a ski-mask, and walked around in the busy market, weighing the
world like a tomato in my hand, the original primordial atom, packed
with explosives, ready to detonate on command, to delete and improve
the world by splashing myself against the wall like a bucket of paint
and see what I could make out of myself in the mess of the ensuing
vision. It’s amazing how suggestive a real siren can be when you’re
lying in an ambulance without any legs. So I learned to swim like a
fish among the stars; the last archon of an extinct species from
Mars, evicted when all the water went south, and I had to come up
with a completely new medium, new atmosphere, new idiom, out of
myself, ingeniously, given what I had to work with. I adapted to the
solitude and silence of my own vast spaces within, and vowed like a
candle, to root my flower in the dark like lightning. Now there’s a
squad car outside the candy-store and a swan that barks like a god.
Make of it what you will. The pebble doesn’t enquire after its
ripples. I write without feedback, without telltale bubbles of
meaning rising to the surface like survivors who want to crawl back
up on land and start it all again. There’s not much point in
panning for gold in an asteroid belt when the only way to tell one
nugget from the next is to break your teeth biting into them like
fortune-cookies enshrining the haloes and the horns of the prophetic
comets that dash by like bunting on a campaign tour. Elect me your
fate, and I promise to find a place for your day old reflection
somewhere on the plate, and a way to flag the fools down for easier
detection. But I won’t tweak your mountainous erection like a
gunshot when there are avalanche warnings all along the road, and the
echoes return, born again, rehearsing their own names like fleeing
refugees on a rosary of boulders that were left overs from Soddam and
Gomorrah. Better to write this way than to lie buried like the last
laugh of a kingly line in the barrow of a dunghill, pleading like a
seed for an upgraded resurrection. I may well be the last extant
defect of a fallible perfection, and all the mistakes of the bruised
morning glory are mine, and the snakey tines of these tendrils of
blood get tangled up in the twine of my thought and no one knows how
they got in nor how to get out, and the homologous combs of the
mentally coiffed are useless against the love knots that have coiled
into nooses around the neck of the wind that’s run out of excuses
for inciting the spring to riot, but at least I don’t snitch my way
through a poem like a hydrophobic divining rod rooting out the
terrorist wells of the watershed in order to secure some heartland in
the back pastures of God. It’s dangerous wherever I am. And flawed.
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