Wilder times than we thought they were
in the moment,
savage intensities cultivated in the
name of art,
the children of the bourgeois afraid of
the mystique of genius as if there were
a lumpen proletariat taboo
like a magic circle drawn around it,
cordons of spinal cords
at a premier of the polymorphous
melting down like emotional nuclear
irradiating Pleiadic insights of white
like jelly fish trying to plug into the
First magnitude stars that weren’t
quite sure
whose legend they were shining in
as long as there were something Icarian
about it
and infallibly tragic, as if to be
destroyed by your gift
were certain proof you were a
with a talent dark enough to curse your
own blessing
in the sacro-sanct way sacrificial
is a judas-goat for the gods to coax
them out of hiding.
What addictions, what madness didn’t
we tolerate?
No weirdness, no twisted perversity of
unacceptable in order to keep up the
morale among ourselves
that our own derangements were liveable
Stoic sobriety with a touch of the
infernally noble
as long as there were enough star power
to be derived from it extemporally to
fool yourself
you’d been to hell, you’d conversed
with the gibbering ghosts
in the underworld, and now you were
ascending from Hades,
empty-handed, except for an abalone
inlaid guitar,
a voice, a repertoire of songs you used
to sing
from coast to coast like a ghost at
your own seance,
or if you were a poet, three books
under your boa skin belt
like wampum, a wounded heart channeling
Horatian odes
to staunch the bloodflow like a
hemorrhage of fire.
We lived as if we were always spitting
into the face
of librarians moved by poetry enough to
write about
making raspberry jam in their amazingly
savoury kitchens
and that wasn’t very right or nice of
us, regardless
of whether they deserved it or not, but
it would be
less than frank not to admit how
alarming it would be
not to be able to muster a cobra of
spit the same way now
to punish the eyes of the snake-oil
with a taste of their own medicine for
the housewells of the muses with all
that bleach and brine
they scour their poems with as if they
were keel-hauling them
on the hull of the moon out of fear of
from the same skull cup as everyone
else on the nightshift
deep in the mines of their starmud
working with
a candle and canary to bring the
occasional jewel to light,
out of fear of getting some life under
their fingernails
or contaminating their lips with human
At least we killed like tigers, not
though needless to say, because that’s
the way the world is,
we did more damage to ourselves trying
to stand out
like someone real from the mob of the
middling and maudlin
to suffer the black farce of our former
lightyears later in this ventriloquial
where wooden dummies have mastered the
of throwing their heartwood around like
the voices
of decoy waterbirds in front of a
hunter’s blind
trying to bring the words of those who
can fly
down to their level of poultry and
Every quarter asked, every quarter
a disastrous expression of compassion,
but when you’re trying to live with
as if you had a soul that was more
mammal than reptile
of course you’re going to err on the
side of generosity,
your winged horse spurred on by
pussywillows and burrs
until you’re thrown off by a star
under your saddle,
the dupe of your own unaccountable
as you ride off into the sunset with
Don Quixote
feeling like Sancho Panza tilting at
the futility
of counter clockwise windmills on
lifelight savings time.
Too many swine. Too few pearls
unwilling to be trampled
like the grapes of wrath getting
indignantly drunk on us.
Don’t offer your tears and sacred
oils to someone
with a drinking problem. Though I
encourage you
to ignore my advice so you can be what
I mean for yourself.
Incandescent ingratitude. As if genius
took its tragic lifemask off, stepped
out of its skin,
tore the curtains off the windows like
the northern lights
and showed you the blackhole of the ego
in the spider web
that spun a myth of origin like a
starmap that knew
only a few chords and barred its Fs as
an excuse for music
that maintained the world began with an
but kept that fact hid from the frenzy
of friends
around the streetlamp of a public image
on the radio.
Ego. That paper dragon that likes to
play with matches
creatively, a brush dipped in paint, a
nib in blood
that flared up like a bouquet of
sulphurous little chapbooks
straining to convince you their
personality is black magic
once you get past the alibi of words
that smack
of saccharine and formic acid, ants and
stinging nettles,
and taste how shallow and unclever a
cynical lack
of sensitivity to things ego doesn’t
understand is,
to that mess of neurotic avarice that
sticks like gum
that’s lost its flavour in the
tresses of a flypaper muse
as it lackadaisically strums the guitar
like a Ferrari
warming up, to disguise the fact, if
you go by the work,
it can’t really play and the wheel
hasn’t been invented for it yet.
Dramatic brawls at midnight, out on the
at the top of our lungs, embodiments of
nemetic karma
defending principles willing to settle
the score here and now
if you were crazy, drunk, or daring
enough to risk
losing more than you ever had or
intended to give
to substantiate your reality with fists
that would later bloom
like bruised crocuses and waterlilies
lyrically inclined
to deadly nightshade and moody orchids
in an eclipse.
But most edged the Texas toe of their
cowboy boot
up to an unseen line drawn in the stars
like a Tropic of Capricorn,
that said for all your talk of figs and
horns, a coward
goes this far and no further for
self-preservative reasons
that have been canning him like jam
since childhood.
More than one night I lay in the dark
sobering up,
proofreading my name in the sooty
of bic lighters on the ceilings of
Ottawa city jails,
Orphically exalted to have left my mark
in an underworld anthology that didn’t
on a political jury of friends who
elected things into print
as if they were pensioning off
candidates for the senate
with two free copies, fifteen minutes
at a mass reading, a minute on the
local news
and enough notoriety to incrementally
a few more false friends they might
have been
wrong about you, and accordingly adjust
their parallactic affiliation with your
My elders, the ghosts of older owls,
the afterlives
of stars that had burnt out
romantically on alcohol,
who spoke like legends of themselves in
a refugee camp
for broken chandeliers and abused
performing off Broadway like the
loveletters of a mailman
who delivered them like the wind in a
tree in the autumn,
since imprinted like the cambium of
last year’s spring
in the hall of famous tree rings that
have stopped growing.
Honoured with urns. But for awhile,
peers of mine, fish dying of thirst
beside a freshwater lake,
artificial respirators crying out for
back-up parachutes
because they thought it was poetically
to always be the one who was rescued
from themselves.
Ego grease. Black farce of a circus on
with drugstore carnies, clutching at
like the rungs of a trapeze someone was
falling from like a star you caught and
put in your pocket
like a safety net that counted on your
friends’ sense of timing
to save you from your own web like the
spindle you made of fate.
Metamorphic larvae in the coffins and
the lifeboats and chrysales these
shepherd moons
moved into as if they were on a grand
tour of the zodiac.
Pageants of wrecked talent showing up
like queens
of stage and screen, who adorn your
by letting you sit at it with them
below the salt like a foodbank
as they told you lies about the famous
they used to cavort with like radical
root fires.
Memories of the last literary scene I
ever wanted to be in,
eyeless images of overcast dreams, the
of art spinning the lack of imagination
some tear drop of a bauble for public
that made evaporation look deep by
Treacherous metaphors. Nasty similes
that thought they were teaching you a
moral lesson
through petty betrayals of the trust
you placed in them
against your better judgement, only to
with Olympian indifference the kind of
dung heap wisdom
that tried to disenchant you from ever
trusting your likeness
in another again like the alienable
bonds of mutual opportunism.
Old men now, many dead at the hands of
their vices,
nine dog paddlers for every
synchronized swimmer, prima ballerinas
that could really write and paint, sing
and dance once,
crucible steel hammering out the slag
of their impurities
like sparks that shone for a moment
like starclusters
that hung in the air and then
into the great reservoir of one-eyed
I can remember when that bag lady was a
I can recall when his charm partially
concealed and compensated
for what is so obviously feeble about
him now
as he waxes mellifluously nostalgic,
trying to squeeze
a drop of honey out of his stinger like
the good old days
when he used to hang himself from the
green boughs
and dead branches of poetry like a
pinata of killer bees
coming on like a kite or Black Hawk
sneakers tangled
like bolas and medicine bags in
personably contemporary powerlines
you can still hear humming and hissing
like a red shifting snakepit gone long
in the tooth
whenever it rains on the ashes of a
smouldering guitar
trying to serenade the moon under her
Medusan window.
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