Tuesday, January 29, 2013



Wolf moon following in the tracks of Jupiter.
A dirty window. A cold night. A lonely astronomer
gazing through the flat glass without enlargement
or diminishment, he doesn’t grind his third eye
into a lens to grow more intimate or keep things at a distance
though he’s infinitely grateful for any firefly of light
like a chimney spark above a labyrinth of rooftops
and a fully enlightened prophetic skull only a few
devoted lunatics are howling at for reasons that elude them
at this hour of the early morning in a Prussian blue abyss.

Bleak January. No harvest. The soil too hard
to bury the dead. Hungry ghosts gnawing the air.
His heart a mason jar of black dwarfs that don’t
glow in the dark anymore. No jewels, or precious metals
in the ore of a solar flare of spent match heads,
he remembers the cool sapphires of the eyes
that used to look deeply into his like the Pleiades
without pretence or embarrassment, but more said
in a single glance about light, clarity and beauty
than any starmap could ever have imagined.

Dust on the windowsill, stars strewn across the sky,
he feels like an exile but knows deeper within
he isn’t any more misplaced than they are as
he bypasses his tears like mind and form
eviscerate matter, and like a lunar ocean
without an atmosphere to back it up, evaporates
into space like the last winding road of smoke
he’ll ever take like a geni unravelling the wick
from the flame, the wish from the mirage of a dry well.

He reminds himself he isn’t getting any older
than time is, and to say time is old, doesn’t make
any sense at any moment of the day or night.
Like the light of a star, the past often makes it
to the future long before the present ever does.
Waxing isn’t any younger than waning is.
The tide going out is just the opening eyelid
of the one coming in. Blue shift, red shift.
One mile east, one mile west, valleys and mountains
of the same wavelength, a snake in the flute
of the snakecharmer, dancing like fire on water
as if it refused to turn out the lights after the music was over.

If not peace, then at least an amicable truce
with the supersymmetry of his opposites,
he spins like a galactic dervish of stars
at the crossroads of where all ways of life
meet like jinxed prayer wheels at the nave
of a black hole with an iris of spokes
like the hands of an all encompassing clock
without a sense of direction, hour after
pointless hour as far as the world’s concerned.

Why spend a life bemoaning the absurd,
when it liberates his spirit from the tyranny
of common sense, like a detached retina
clinging to its visuals when the lack
of sequential event horizons opens the gate
to a flashflood of visionary metaphors
more acquainted with his imagination
than his third eye is with errors of perception.

Less and less he asks himself if he’s lived it wrong.
If anybody has, knitting socks for centipedes
to benignly pass the time doing something useful.
He doesn’t judge the efficacy of anyone’s delusions
to get the job done as if the beauty of the scaffolding
were the real masterpiece, and the painting itself
were merely another celebrity excuse
for the flesh to adumbrate the design of the skeleton.
Ladders of bone six feet closer to heaven
than the grave for awhile longer yet,
root fires of lightning rising through the rafters
of a leafless tree burning down like the lungs
of a star-breathing house suffocating in its own nebularity,
though he’s heard it said, the eternal sky
does not inhibit the flight of the white clouds.


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