Tuesday, December 18, 2012



I have befriended my solitude
and even the luster of the empty stone
I wing side-arm skipping out over the lake
like a waterbird trying to take off
is enough of a moon for me, though it sink.

Dead, wet leaves, flat as maps, almost
the scales of a fish or a snake,
or the slicked backed fur of an otter
plastered like a poultice of leeches
matting the pages of a damp book
over a glacial crack in a granite skull.

Sedimented histories of dead rivers
raised from the bottom by disjointed cliff sides.
Love lyrics of lichen and mildew.
Scalps of moss torn from the rock
by a thousand tiny root nerves
that sound like velcro being ripped apart.

Decay. Rot. Duff. Detritus. Amputated limbs
pulped into soft rungs of arboreal gangrene,
there are no burning ladders to heaven
around here, but the stars, so purely unattainable,
Orion in the leafless alders, the red spider
constellation of the Sioux, brave mother,
blazes down through its abysmal patinas of time,
like alchemists at the putrefaction and suppuration
of this earthly matrix of mortal disaster,
the air saturate with the lingering pungency
of something tragic that once happened here.

Ages of gold degenerating into base matter.
I am growing old. My thoughts walk
among notable eternities discussing my succession.
I will be driven out like a deposed wolf.
Already I wander these woods alone.
Everything says what it pretends it does not know.

Yet something whole and of its own accord
like sweetness come to the apple
still blooms within me like a moonrise
partially obscured like a pearl glowing
in a bed of clouds. Suffusions
of a pale lunar glare tempered by compassion
for the foolishness of having lived immensely
without taking down sail running before the stars
for the sheer infernal joy in the thrill
of daring the nightwatchmen
not to let me get away with it.

I stole fire, blood, love and light.
I stole my freedom back as my own birthright.
Always a star ahead of myself
I weathered the firestorms out
and lived vividly under siege in the doldrums.
I flint knapped the new moon
of my heart like obsidian
and phalanged my anger like a Clovis point
into an art of arrowheads shaped to fit the prey.

With the effortless effort of a mastered discipline,
I hit the mark like a hawk of the feathers
I was fletched in like the war bonnet of a comet
in a raid off the reservation for wild game
worthy of a warrior with the courage of a lost cause.


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