Anyone can say what they feel
but how few can sing what they dream.
You put your heart into any art
and people will follow you like a
In self defence against the omnipotence
of being interdependently originated,
you can substantiate your absence
to prove you’re not living in the
same world
we all do, but where’s that going to
get you in the end?
You can true your delusions anyway you
but that’s not going to clear you for
the truth.
The destroyed see deeper than those who
That man puts a straitjacket on
everytime he says he’s arrived.
Just because it’s absurd doesn’t
it isn’t believable. Me sitting here
writing this to a caste of albino stars
I haven’t reconfigured into a
constellation yet
because my imagination keeps
shape-shifting me
like a gust of fireflies into myriad
myths of origin
since I realized, cosmically speaking,
one size
doesn’t fit all like a house of
in an Etruscan zodiac. Or a prayer
Or the ecliptic of a mystic head band
still bound to the skull of a Druid who
died young.
Fifty years, a poet, but I don’t
this is as mad as it’s going to get.
I’ve been deepening my ignorance
for light years, but when I cry for
things I regret
my tears are still wet, and my
mindstream suggests
there was no other way of flowing at
the time.
I hang on the hook of the moon
until the pain grows profound
and ten scribes in a tower write it all
I am blessed. I am cursed. I am hunted
and ignored.
I love disingenuously to keep from
being bored.
And when there’s nothing else for the
fire to feed on
I offer it my body, my soul, my
and the rare acquiescence of a
tumultuous mind
like the third eye of a hurricane with
a corneal implant.
I don’t keep the impersonality of
what I feel about life
in a little drawer with a skull on a
I use to master the coffin doors of the
that won’t open of their own accord
like rosebuds in a rusty locket that’s
come unhinged.
I don’t pour the ocean into a teacup
as much as I used to and there’s a
little more wisdom
in my love lyrics I haven’t
taken to heart yet, but I’m trying. I
an intimate distance away from the
things I cherish.
I’m dying as we all are, but it
doesn’ t feel
as if I’m going to perish. My
emotions are ageless
and inspiration’s only the whisper of
a star away
and though my dark energy keeps
expanding the starfields
further apart, so I have to walk
to find a wild flower I can identify
the dark’s beginning to shine like a
black candle
with my spinal cord dipped in serpent
like a total eclipse of dragon’s
blood as its wick.
I rave like the vision of a sacred
clown who’s become
the misfit of his own crazy wisdom,
heretically so,
to live up to the standards of my own
a saintly truant in the labyrinths of
spiritual malfeasance.
A shepherd of wolves, I don’t drive
the stars
up into the high fields like a small
herd of scapegoats
like a hard rock on a mountain keeping
its fossils to itself like apocalyptic
for the silence in the voice of the
void that unwords me.
No truth ever mattered a damn to me
if it defeated people who were just
to get on with not knowing what to do
with their lives.
No beauty ever took my breath away for
that wasn’t emotionally siderealized
or hadn’t drowned like a sorceress on
an island
in the oceans of the black rose of a
new moon.
I prefer to look at the blessings of
through a broken window more than
the polished mirror of a purified mind
blinded by its own blazing to the
that pour like stars from the eyes of
weeping meteors
that have initiated the extinction
of too many, too much, without rancour
for the fragility of the afterlives in
the ashes
that emerged from the inside out
into the available dimensions of a
random future.
Time might observe the protocols of its
for some who still drink from wishing
and hourglasses that are always pouring
for the road, but in the intimacy of my
time acts extemperaneously upon my
like a stranger who could always feel
his way past
what he didn’t know about what could
hurt him
if he ever stopped long enough anywhere
to find out.
I’m grateful to the abyss for the
black hole
in the centre of my life that can’t
be fulfilled
galaxy after galaxy at a feast of light
that keeps
my appetite for the moonrise of the
intrigued and hungry. My mind was never
an experiment
nor my heart the rube of experience.
I didn’t map the rain to know where
to go.
I let the mountain be my goat-footed
guide to the top
and when it came time to come down,
I won my wings falling toward paradise
with more joy in taking the plunge
than I relished in the angelic aviary
of my arrival
where nobody jumps unless they’ve got
a parachute on.
Buff the risk with a safety net or
you’ll candle
like a daylily all the way down into an
early grave
people used to say to me when I was a
young precipice
ferociously faithful to exploring the
nether depths of myself
like a comet jumping the orbitals of a
dark halo
to shed a little light like a petal of
the sun
on why I’d rather perish in the night
like a firestorm
on a purple passage of the wind, than
like the wildflower of a savage mystic
in the genetically engineered garden of
a false dawn.
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