Stupid, stupid world full of lies,
self-deceit, greed,
conspiratorial stinging nettles,
leeching bills, vampiric,
cutting off the flow of things like
hillbilly hippies beating up their
girlfriends on crack,
all these egotistic puff ball
mushrooms with labial gills
mythically inflated by one night’s
good rain
into albino planets, people who have
more keys to heaven
than they have locks on hell, abandoned
school bells
that go on talking to themselves like
wandering scholars
light years after the children grew old
at their perennial recess
and the moths and the mice and the
keep putting out books epilogues after
forgotten how to read the signs of
their own decay.
Between the horns of the moon that’s
been thrown
like a goat skull into the wishing well
of my heart,
roadie spiders string my harp for me
like false eyelashes
in the green room, and the nerves of
the mirrors
are shattered into the frayed deltas of
the ropes of hope
endangered elephants are trying to
climb up to heaven on.
The thin-skinned blissed-out gardenias
of Maharajji
are wilting under the eyeshadow of
their Mary K cosmetics
as their rainbows grow vicious as vegan
in a spiritual junkyard of razorwire
and foodchains
that have overextended their supply
lines like the umbilical cords
of kites and puppets and angels on the
strings of arachnids.
Too pure for me. I’d be afraid of
getting myself on their floors.
Tracking starmud in from the mindstream
I’ve been floating down
from one neuron to the next, one town
to another,
like the new moon of an origami swan in
a scenic calendar
of apocalyptic moments in the life of a
hand grenade
people keep pulling on like the handle
of an empty fridge.
Count me among the Andalusian vandals
of the delinquent dragons
who keep writing obscene truths in
lampblack and terza rima
on the walls where the flamethrowers
post their prophecies.
I was born to burnish gold. I was born
to dry the eyes
of weeping diamonds. I was born to wire
the rainbow bridges
with satchel charges of fireflies and
lightning for demolition
so everybody can learn to swim through
like glaciers to the other side of
their polarized cataracts.
And whenever I look at a house of
worship built on quicksand
I’ve got to laugh like an avalanche
of meteors
at the self-serving lustrations of
their pretentious extinctions
as the world blazes all around them
like a halo of inflammable hairspray.
I’ve got holy wars of my own to go to
that won’t be disarmed
by the soft swords of their beeswax
candles surrendering
to such a little flame of life at the
tip of a limp wick
that trembles with every breath it
takes like a feather in a furnace.
I see the mad dogs like arsonists with
frothing at the mouth for war, citing
ancient conflagrations
from the burnt out scriptures of their
sacred matchbooks
raving at the supernovas that ignore
them like ingrown solar flares
that couldn’t stand up to a drought,
let alone a forest fire.
What good is inspiration if it hasn’t
got a detonator?
Or enlightenment if all it does is
ignite a funeral pyre,
cremate a desire to live like a peer of
the dynastic galaxies
you were born among with the silver
spoon of a universe in your mouth
whether you use it to cook crack, take
your medicine
like a human suffers an excruciating
or let the hummingbirds sip from it
like syringes
flagging snakestongues of blood in
celestial sugar water?
And all the warrior poets buffed like
medicine bags
of talcum powder, and all the healers
batches of bad heroin like dealers to
the high school kids
who used to steal their mother’s
oxycontin from the medicine chest
so they could rail the yellow brick
road like roadkill.
All the vates, seers and shamans
prophetic pundits and polls as the
repeal the fate of the artist before
she’s born,
cuckoos taking over the nests of better
parasitic guests taking over the house
of the host
as the journalists turn from objective
to political spiders weaving the webs
they spin as the news
and the audience, breaking mutually
consenting protocol
gets up on stage with Hamlet and turns
a play into a talkshow
for the fifteen minutes of pop-tart
celebrity left on their i-phones.
Originality that used to emanate from
the roots up
like the light coming out of a dark
now seated like an air traffic
controller in an orchard
like the wind assigning runways and
on where to take off and land to a riot
of blossoms
with pre-conceived flightpaths and
well-known destinations.
Creative writing professors in the
literary mills
grinding the grist for whole new
of mimetically enculturated oxen
to keep the wheels turning of a
lucrative careers bank
that used to be the calling of the
insanely inspired
too busy working in the visionary mines
of their genius
looking for jewels of insight to waste
their potential
on getting a job regurgitating words
for baby pelicans,
masticating poetry into spiritual pulp
or sipping them from other men’s
mouths as if
spit were the nectar of the muse
they’ve never met.
The real dragons, their spines lined
with sundials,
really don’t care how many chapbooks
you’ve published in a year
nor how many times per capita you’ve
mentioned butterflies
just to ensure your fan club you’re
still sensitive to beauty
or where you’re reading next like a
burning in the valley of Tuwa or
whether your chimney-spark
expiring under the stars is an inferno
of unignited creosote
caked in your throat like a callous of
black matter
or the ore of the braille alphabet
blocks you throw
like snake eyes in dice playing your
randomness off
against the lottery of your
autobiography copied and pasted
like a colony of red army ants putting
your books together
like a folio of butterfly wings
perfectly bound for the ant heap.
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