Yes, the awful thresholds.
The taboos of lace and razorwire
that threshed our blood like kings of
the waxing year,
queens that were crowned like the full
moon in broken windows.
And you, dark one, hidden familiar,
last crescent of my torment when all
else had failed,
bloodsister of the same wound I’ve
been dying of ever since
as if this life were the greatest
that could have been visited upon
either one of us
by the closed doors that drove us away
like scapegoats and pariahs, the
of an infernal caste of homeless
How could I ever forgive the boundary
stones of their skulls
for what they did to you with their
false prophecies
and promised lands, the hatred of your
when you were mauled by the snakepits
incarnated in the hands and the glands
of the toxic fathers
who brought their drunkenness like
garbage barges
to the bed of a terrified girl to waste
as they had themselves as if you’d
been born to be trashed.
The deepest outrages and sorrows in
have had their tongues cut out, and
over the course
of many demented stars, the light
evaporates from their eyes
like the last grey thread of smoke from
a candle
dipped in flesh, and the soul, no
longer a spinal cord
of serpent fire burning like a fuse
some apocalyptic illumination that
would right
the errors of perception in the
awareness of heaven
that washed you and I like motes and
the crumbs of dreams clinging to the
end of an eyelash
out of its field of vision as if we
were never meant to be seen.
O my lover, my salve, my muse and
my heart still burns in the cold out
here alone
in these broken starfields under these
shattered chandeliers
lucid as ice-storms in the abandoned
of the scarecrows that once used to
dance here
until they broke into flames like
at an outlawed ghost dance that
promised to return
all those things to us that we had
irrevocably lost.
Where have you gone? Is it warm, there?
Do they leave you alone to nurse your
back into feeling something remotely
human again?
Even at this late date, your gesture of
still humbles my voice like a night
I haven’t heard before, as you ask
for nothing
in the darkness, knowing as I know,
it would only make you more vulnerable
to joy
and joy’s an arrow fletched with our
own flight feathers.
And though, even now, wherever you are,
it would probably make you wince like a
black rose
waiting for a pearl of blood to appear
where you pierced your eyelid on a
thorn of the moon
in lieu of a tear you couldn’t show
to anyone but me
without them breaking it like a mirror
they didn’t want to see,
I have to say it, because you have to
though we’ve grown old apart, and I
don’t even know
if we’re still the same astronomical
catastrophe of fireflies
trying to keep each other warm in the
immensity of the solitude
we once huddled in like a cold furnace
of the heart,
waiting for a new world, anyone but
like a new universe to hatch out of a
cosmic urn
though we both knew matchbooks don’t
suddenly flare into fire-breathing
out of the ashes of creatures like us
who could not forgive our childhoods
for abandoning us to the ferocity of
their absence.
I have to say it, as if I were
threshing arrows
like stalks of wheat in Virgo, what
an unlikely blessing of a sphinx you
among so many obvious curses in utero.
And you must know, though I say it in
broken glass
that never learned to cry, that I
really did love you
even if I never said it at the time for
fear you’d mistake me
for the others who did to excuse what
they took from you
and never returned. Thousands of miles
and more light years than the journey
could keep up with,
in this open field, leftover for the
birds and the worms
and the homeless weeds that are turning
it into a refugee camp,
I stand like a hypocrite under a
harvest moon in silence
and think of all the empty silos I’ve
tried to be grateful for
as if I’d broken bread with them in
order to learn
how to live on less than nothing but
this vengeance
that still burns inside of me like the
vow of a vacuum
that has yet to be fulfilled whether
nature abhors it or not.
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