I want to write something
that will impress you,
a blue virgin with a silo
of hand-picked stars
for a heart that we
might begin with,
the soiled velvet of my
collapsed parachute
that came down like the
night over everything,
the miscreant sky of an
ancient descent
that keeps snuffing the
candle of blood
I keep using to draft
poems on the mirror
that suggests an
emergency of fire and ink.
I want to write something
like a pulse
that doesn’t belong to
anything in existence,
the mythic inflation and
of a sail or a lung or a
that might engender
something extraordinary
among the plaster
and efflorescent gargoyles
of this abandoned theatre
that no longer stages the
improvised encounters
of the demons or the
whose silence is the
salted earth of a city
that traded its
wilderness in
for a cemetery of clowns
and scarecrows
and traffic jam of golden
crutches. I refer,
of course, to the plastic
someone put over the
mouth of my longing
and the cyanotic agony of
trying to breathe freely
under the asphyxiating
skin of the sky
that adheres to my eyes
and voice like dew.
I want to write something
fine and wild and exalted,
and enlighten the hinges
of a vastly open door
with the raw ore of my
meticulous urgencies.
Supple and eloquent, a
sapphire river
flowing effortlessly
through the night,
a rose of fire ashing on
its own roots,
tendering its green thorns
the fangs of an innocent moon,
want to wash off the mud of the road with stars
that only bloom for those
with the eyes to be them,
and throwing off the yoke
of all these sad windows
I collect like dogtags and
discount coupons
of spiritual junkmail,
plough the moon with my
and in a whisper of
opening eyelids
weep like a silver tree
for the beauty of the
dark-side jewels
that water my roots.
You must be in bed by
you must be mourning
your lost lover,
lamenting the blizzard of
that coats your heart in
the burlap and chainmail
of another winter that
must be borne on your knees.
May I hover, may I linger,
may I spectrally request
an audience,
pour this star-flavoured
darkness into your ear,
can I be free without
and rattle this
chandelier of dragon tears
like a spell across your
last shadow?
I want to astound you with
the risks I take,
walking on my hands down
this guitar string
keyed to the gaping
annuity of the abyss;
I want to shed my skin
and stretch it like a
over last year’s
cancelled play;
and write you certified
the petals of luxuriant flowers
for exotic causes
only the homeless clouds
could believe in.
And I don’t want to be
loved for who I am,
I want to be loved for
what I do;
as the wind is loved in
its passing
for clarifying the sky
like a rag of air,
for winnowing the grain
from the chaff
after the threshing of the
harvests of the dead
into feathers, waves and
for the muffled thunder
of cannons and apples
going off in the distance
like a holy war of one
trying to overcome its
own stratagems.
I don’t want to swing
the planet like a wrecking ball
against the condemned
that sweat from the
pores of a selfish mirror,
and bury the poor in
that exhale the nocturnal
vapours of the hopeless
who rummage through
hand-me-down poppies
for an affordable dream
that might fit.
I only want to wear you
in a mansion of water
and moonlight
like a nakedness of space
and cherries
can’t take off,
from the orchard of these black blossoms
that scatter like
heretical doves from a fire,
this migration of the
white phoenix
to a burning branch in a
combustible solitude
that roots its holiest
in the ashes of its own
blazing divestment,
offer you the fruit of
the crazy wisdom
of the fool who drinks
from my eyes
as if the grail of this
all night feeling
were a bar that never
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