And should you think I never think of you
out here like a space probe
in the great indivisibility of the abyss
sending post cards back from the edge of nowhere
to no one in particular
you’d be as wrong as you usually were.
I think of you. I remember. I recall.
You were the chandelier of the unattainable
and I was the flying carpet in the hall.
Intimately specific images of unassuming moments
Watching you slip off one your heels
with your arm braced against a brick wall
to check for pebbles.
Or that time after another fight
you stopped the car at the end of the dirt driveway
and got out to pull up your t-shirt
to show me your breasts like a superlative
you knew would keep my attention
until you came home from work that night.
Not the big things you’d think I’d remember.
Not the great revelatory enlightenments
of the dark matter at hand
when everything was either perfectly tragic
or tragically perfect between us
under the stars in the frosty hay fields
reverting to the wild by acclamation;
but little flakes of snow and ashes
or moonlight flint knapped off
the blue anthracite of a midnight lake
trying to shape a spearhead of insight
into the Clovis point of a diamond.
Feathers and petals and leaves of things
that were hardly noticed when they fell.
The feeble shadows cast by Venus
across the snow on a moonless night
when nobody was looking
because they were all inside
huddled around a fire
like blazing mesmerized by its own blindness.
Breathless shadows born of Venus.
You don’t even need to have your third eye open
to know how beautiful and rare that is.
Things on the wind that blow up like leaves
scratching at the door like cats
to be let in out of the cold.
Memories that suddenly fly into my field of vision
like bats out of the dark baffled by the porchlight
only to end up stuck on the burdock
like martyrs to the cause
and birds that break their necks
against the false skies in my eyes
with the dull thud of softballs
thrown against the wall of a house
and fall to earth like ricochets
off knightly suits of body armour
forged out of old shell casings
to hide the evidence of my vulnerability.
At least from me for a while.
And I’ve got wounds that are deeper than that
I know will never heal
and moments of vital bliss
I’m living on like a ghost in a lighthouse
that didn’t take its own advice
when it put its lantern out
like a candle beside the bed
to go all the way with a mermaid
and not get burnt.
Now I’m a nightwatchman of the stars
with a big enough flashlight
its eyebeam reaches all the way to Mars
to make sure there are bars on the windows
and locks on all the doors.
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