Tuesday, September 4, 2012



Even when I’m down, you’re a first magnitude eclipse.
No one I had rather stand in the shadow of than you.
Even at high noon, when I’m ingathered like black wheat
into the siloes of my dark abundance, and the sundials
can’t tell what time it is, you’re the midnight in my house well
that makes the stars more beautiful for having disappeared
from the bright vacancy of the day into this deeper darkness
where the blood rushes to my eyes to stand at the window
beside my heart, and be amazed by your moonrise
I couldn’t have anticipated were I a Mayan astronomer in orbit.
Or the third eye of the Hubble sifting through the rubble
of the old temples to the gods we abandoned
and left to the snakes and the swallows to make of what they will,
as if we could take any of these prophecies that have come true, back.

I’m turning you like a black diamond in the light,
and I’m listening to your dark harmonies like wavelengths
that have traversed great abysses like the gypsy photons
of a gamma ray burst with the power of ten billion suns
going off all at once in a rapture of radiance
as lethal as enlightenment. You bring out
the snake-charmer in me and I want to sing to you
as if all these crows had burning guitars for voices
and the choirs of the dumbstruck doves
were switching from acoustic to electric
when they see how you sway
like the matrix of space and time to the music,
the flying carpet of a dangerous grace,
the membrane of a new world about to explode into hyperspace.

And, yes, my ego is afraid of the agonies of clarity
it might have to endure like the excruciating transformations
of a mirage among constellations, a firefly that expires
like the wick of a candle in a squall of stars
that knows the timing is just as crucial
as the content of the light when it’s too early
for the bud of the black rose to bloom yet,
and if you want to see deeper into the dark
you can’t pry the petals of a matchbook open
before it’s their moment to shine. But black lantern
I may be, blind, empty, looking for my mind with my mind
and losing it in the glare of its own light,
and though I’ve gouged my eyes out to find it,
yet when I think of you, you fill my eyeless homelessness
with billions of unnamed stars with habitable planets
and shepherd moons keeping the secrets of life to themselves
like black pearls in the lockets of oyster shells
opening their mouths like old calendars of stone
to sing the praises of the new moon on this event horizon.

I may be the holographic projection of a fridge magnet
stuck on the two dimensional skin of a black hole
in the great watershed of the Conservation of Data Principle,
but when I’m flatlining like that, mirage, or no,
you’re the third dimension I keep manifesting in.
You’re the occult jewel that has fallen
from my black halo of comets into the sun
that shines at midnight. You’re Immersion.
Ingathering. Illumination. Dispersal. You put flesh
like loaves and fishes on the skeletons of the dragon’s teeth you sow
and every abyss that ever echoed the silence of the nightbirds
that had given up their longing like a begging bowl
is brimming over the rim of my skull cup like a full silo.
All my mirages are drowning in their own reflections
like fountain mouths of real water on the moon,
trying to wash all these deathmasks off
like so many visions of the world that stuck
like the dust of the road clinging to my eyes
like gusts of stars that make me want to weep
to polish the shining in the dark mirror
that’s looking at you like the occult light
at the end of the tunnel of my reflecting telescope
so that even when I’m down, I’m a miner with hope
buried deep underground in this chamber of mystic diamonds,
where I’m painting picture-music in the carbon
of my own charred bones, the kissing stones
of my prophetic skulls wiping lipstick off the petals
of a black rose, face paint off the eyes of all my sacred clowns,
to celebrate the dawn of the new moon pearling under my eyelids.


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