Wednesday, May 2, 2012



Demonic spirit among the numb,
you here with me again, fire, familiar,
looking for someone among the dead as I am,
blue cyanotic corpse, skull-harp, anyone
who might remember you from years ago
when glass was an ice-age and you wept
like honey in a blast furnace of killer bees?

Redemption or genius? We both agreed.
No one was waiting for us on the other side
with gates and doors, weathervanes and smiles
for the creatures we always wanted to become.
One real tear would have been enough,
but nothing, nihil, nada, nix,
for all those unforgettable moments in hell,
isolation in an abandoned prison
when I was a lighthouse with a shattered eye
and you had no interest in a cell
that wasn’t interested in keeping anyone in.

Guards gone. Angels with flaming swords.
The place was useless. The air agony.
Space twisted into a gravitational eye
that insisted on seeing what it wanted to,
the light imploding back into itself like a heretic
of flowers and stars, trying to get
a good look at us, homeless mutations
chained to the same chromosome for life.

No shepherd moons for us, casting shadows
like dice on conventional equators
that didn’t have the chaos to be a star
and shine by itself alone, take a blue-eyed risk,
white phosphorus, get out of itself somehow,
all those long languishing radio waves
and take a peek through the eye of its own
three hundred year old methane hurricane,
instead of painting carnelian on your forehead
starmud and ashes from the inexhaustible urns
of all those dragons that let the sun down
by offering a library of matchbooks
for elucidation and companionship
and more ghosts than you can throw beans at
to keep them away like a hailstorm of asteroids
shrieking like atmospheres in a burning morgue.

For years I expected you to turn on me
like the flipside of a teaching sword
with the stamina of a forge, and an edge
so clear it would have been inhuman to blunt it
with the mirages of the lies of mercy that spare no one
crossing this desert like a caravan of waterclocks
and I offered you my throat willingly and said
let’s do it in the name of nothing, or, better yet,
let’s dedicate it like a direction for those
who’ll come after us as lost as they are alone.
I’ll be the exiled vagantes at the diamond crossroads
and you be the milestone in the middle of nowhere
that evaporated upon impact like the last of your species.

Yes, and I breathed you in like a nuclear winter
and ever since we’ve been indistinguishable
in the way we’ve climbed our burning ladders
of evolution up out of these august heights of a black hole,
totally siderealized by black matter breaking into light
backstage where nothing but the business of the world
goes on late into the night. One broken heart
after another accusing the finest passion
they’ve ever known in their life of amorous treachery
as if they were the latest recruit in the fraud squad
so they didn’t have to be the victims of the truth.

At least we can look at things like an hourglass
that didn’t quite make it as a telescope
and tell a harmless mirage from a lethal dose of stars.
I can even take pity on you sometimes
when you’re off in your own space like a mirror
trying to picture something of your own
that isn’t a reflection of me on the dark side
of my own eyelids trying to bloom in Braille.
Suicide to sacrifice. It’s a hell of a leap of faith,
and there was no asylum in the abyss to catch you
when you fell from paradise to Pandemonium
and not a single siren went off, and the parachute candled,
and you looked more like a daylily at dusk
than you did a comet that was trying to tell me something.

The messenger got a message. But there was no one
to tell it to. And everything’s been clear ever since.
We can look at the willows down by the lake
and say, o, yes, beautiful, blithe adolescents
lingering in their sorrows like the eyes of young gazelles.
And I can run my tongue along
the first crescent of the envelope of the moon
to blood that sword in sacred syllables of the east
with the power of heart-stopping cobras
in the medicine bags of their fangs
and have everybody ask for an encore
like an unpredictable eclipse at the back
of everyone’s star-struck eyes
through the buffer of a tinted lens darkly.

Indeed, is it not absurdly marvellous in our eyes
that we exist as we do like the longing
of someone who died light years ago,
fire in its own smoke, a poppy in its red cloak,
a star that ate its own ashes, time
with its tail in its mouth about to
swallow itself whole as if it had two heads,
though a single dream were pillow enough for both.
Not two. And the koan is broken.
And you can hear the applause of a single hand
startled into believing we neither know nor don’t know
what we do and we don’t understand.


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