Saturday, June 9, 2007


Hunting oblivion in the pain,

trying to outrun my shadow,

my heart a parable of fire,

outfly my own feathers,

this plumage of flame,

a heretic’s death.

I’m wallpapering the sky with starmaps

to restrategize my destiny,

this saltlick of a life

that fell like a crumb of sleep

out of God’s good eye

when I was created to be obedient

to this dream of you

fondling the last crescent of the moon

as if it were a trigger.

Pull it if you must.

Such sorrows afflict me tonight

and it’s already late

and I can hear my own panic in the labyrinth

scratching at the plaster

like a mouse in the walls

and the darkness is closing around me,

a deeper devastation

than I have the heart to assess.

Tears and anger, water and fire,

all day I’ve been summoned

to the radioactive blaze of your absence

and forgiven you everything

as my bones flare like phosphorus

and I know the futility

of a fire hydrant on the moon

standing by helplessly

as its only ladder back to earth



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